Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Jes, I have actually started my own Kermit the Blog. Henceforth, I shall be known as Bloggy McBloggerson, Mayor of Blogville. I do realize that I have jumped on this here bandwagon a bit late but, eh... I'm over it. Besides, just what is a "bandwagon" anyway? Is it a wagon that transports a band? And what kind of band?

Like... a marching band?

The Pride of Oklahoma?

Maybe the Sooner Schooner is the wagon that carries the marching band?

Although, I'm not sure how they could all logically fit in there, but that's just getting into semantics, now isn't it?

Dude, I'm only hypothesizing here, okay?

Or... is it a rock band?

I'm picturing the leathery-skinned, spandex-clad members of Aerosmith stuffed into one of those little red Radio Flyer wagons. All the while, Steven Tyler screeches, "Doooooooood look like-a layee-deh...
doo-doo-doo- doooooooood look like-a layee-deh!"

Here are some recent pictures of Mr. Tyler:

Anyhoo... I digress...

Let's get back to the important topic at hand: how weird the word "blog" is. Raise your hand if you think "blog" sounds goofy. I see that hand, brother. I see that hand, God blesha. Every head bowed, every eye closed...

"Blog" sounds like that goop that comes up in the back of your throat when you have one of those, erm, tangible burps.

Or maybe a log you finding floating in a bog. It's a bog-log. A blog.

I think "blog" might be the imaginary onomatopoetic sound that a lava lamp might make - were it to make audible sounds - as it eeks out those lovely and mesmerizing globules of oozing goo.

Thoughts? Rejoinders? Retorts? Abusive insults? Let's get some commentation happening here.


  1. I agree, blog is a rather rude-sounding word. It is like the noise I make when I puke. It is, I think, slightly better than its predecessor 'web log'. Imagine if we still called them web logs. "Hey, check out my weeehbbblaawwgg ya'll." Web log sounds like a type of beetle or a syndrome. It was inevitable that we chopped off the 'we' and kept the 'blog'. I think we should call them webernt journals or interweb gab chronicles.

  2. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! thats all i have to say...

  3. Yea! I has a comment. I agree, "weblog" sucks only slightly more than "blog", but have you ever considered... maybe it was WE BLOG, instead of WEB LOG??? But then that suggests the idea that more than one person is blogging and in my case, that would be a filthy lie. It's just me, folks. So then it would have to be I BLOG, or iBlog, which sounds like the billionteenth product to come out of Apple's spewage of unending marketing detritus.

  4. Yo Heather! I love your new blog site...You Seaton girls are so with it..I'm not! Hey, I might steal your line..."spewage of unending marketing detritus"....
    Eddie and I will peek in on your sight at times..looks fun! Tamatha

  5. Hey Tootles, Mom here. I think blog sounds like a terrible medical condition. "I just found out that I suffer from chronic blog, but thank God they have medicine for that!!" Your humor has always kept us going, and now your gift will lift up others too! I love what you are doing. I am so proud of you!
    Love, Ma


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)