Monday, November 3, 2008

No, I don't bite. Do you?

Meet Snuggles! He's an American Pit Bull Terrier and my new bestest friend.

Tell me... have you ever seen cuter ears in all your life?
They. Are. Re-DONK!
I adopted him this weekend from Forever Friends Humane Society.
Check out their adoptable pets at:

If you have questions about pitties, feel free to give me a shout. I'd love to answer any concerns you may have. :o) And watch for future posts about what amazing dogs pit bulls make.


  1. Adorable!!! Congratulations on your new little boy! And congratulations on the news of your family expecting a human baby! How exciting for all of you! Love and blessings! thanks for sharing!
    shari darr

  2. So precious! I can't wait for you to post more! I noticed you are addicted to the Twilight too. I got several coworkers hooked and made the book club read the first three for one months meeting!
    T to the P to the 8

  3. Awwww ... I love your pittie!

  4. Thanks, T/L... me, too! BTW, I uploaded more Snuggly pics to PBP. Check 'em out!


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