Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This is why I need to hire a dog-walker...

And now, let us all pause for a moment of silence, to mourn the tragic and sudden death of Froggy. I came home tonight to find that he had... wait for it... *croaked* after being lobotomized by Snuggles. Poor Froggy. He was a gentleman of a frog. Perhaps a bit (ahem) *stuffy* at times, yes. But he lived a good life, albeit short.

Witness, if you can stomach it, the carnage...

Yahweh be praised, Sheepy was mercifully unharmed in the bloodbath. Although, for quite some time now he has been mysteriously missing both ears. I like to refer to him by his Spanish nom de plume, "La Oveja Sin Orejas," just cuz it sounds so poetic and rhyme-y and stuff.

Methinks it's time to hire a dog-walker to come and take the Burgle-Bean for a long walk on the days that I have class. Ya think?


  1. A B&W Cow Print Pit – my favorite kind!

    Yup, dog walker is most likely a grrrrrrreat idea since them pibbles can chew things to bits.

  2. He's my little moo-cow baby.


I can has comments?

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