Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hip-Hop Puppy-Dawg

We had a weird late-March snow situation happening here this weekend. Oklahoma weather never ceases to amaze me. Here is Snuggles checking it all out. Note the silly little hop he does into the snow from the back porch.


  1. AWWWWW He is so cute! I want to kiss the fleshly little bits on either side of his nose (cheeks?), you know right above the lips! I like his little hop into the snow.

  2. Hilarious! First, check it out. Second, taste it. Third, pee on it. Fourth, zoomie around in it! What IS it about snow and dogs? BTW, he's so cute, I can't STAND it. How is he with other dogs?

  3. O/O: I kiss them all da time! They're so fuzzy and squishy. And he's all, "Mooooo-ooooom! Quit it! Gosh."

    Moy: Thanks! He cracks me up when he gets the zoomies like that. He's been great with my parents' dog (doxie) and my brother's (Yorkie-Poo), too. He always wants to play, though, and they're older so they'll be like, "Lee-me alone!!!!!!" They pick on him sometimes, too, and he'll run over to me and pout like a big baby. So far no DA! :D

  4. lmao @ the "give you some privacy" camera turn.

  5. Well, I don't wish to exploit him.

  6. Heather's MomMarch 30, 2009

    Yeah, he DID give you that "Well, ex-CUSE ME!"-look, there, didn't he? You give me your hand-me-up purses, (after all, you have great taste)and I LOVE them!!! So can I, um, have your fabulous pibble too? Aww, come on, I gave birth to you, and passed down my humor genes...that oughtta account for something!!!

  7. O/O: I gave Snuggles kisses at lunch for you. Right on his fuzzy muzzle. Fuzzle?

    Mom: Sorry but you can't have him. But you do have copious visitation rights.

  8. Your dog is sooo cute!

    I saw footage on the news about the snowstorm. Glad to hear you are okay!

  9. Oh my! Snuggles needs for me to work him over real good! I must say! He does look very much yummy! He should probably show me why his name is Snuggles irregardless of the fact that I am in the Ozarks! Definitely!

  10. Harbls: Thanks. I am pretty cute, huh? We are fine, yes. I protected Heather from the scary snowstuffs.

    Melodious: What's up, girrrrrl? You are looking so fine. And hey, ain't no thing. The Ozarks ain't so far from here. Shoot. Besides, once you snuggle with me, you won't want to go back to the Ozarks. *wink*


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