Thursday, March 19, 2009

An Open Letter to My Eyebrows

An Open Letter to My Eyebrows

Dear Eyebrows:

Why is it that every time I pluck you, you just insist on coming back? I would think that you would take the hint eventually. I guess not, though. So, let me be blunt. You aren’t wanted here.

Thanks in advance,



  1. I said something similar to my hair after heading to the barber for the second time in one month.

    It listened. All too well.

  2. So the lesson is... be careful what you wish for?

    Tough break, there, Chief.

  3. My eyebrows won't listen either, or my lip hair for that matter.

  4. LOL, Cathy. That is truly unfortunate.

  5. Heather, could you please speak to the hairs that like to frequent parts of my face too? Pleaase...

  6. An Open Letter to the Hairs That Like to Frequent Parts of Oogly-Boogly's Face:

    Look, hairs. It's not you. It's me. Okay, so it IS you. I was actually just trying to make you feel better. At any rate, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and vacate the premises.

    Take care now,


  7. Two of the personal grooming world's greatest unsolved mysteries:

    1. If we are, indeed (and I think we are), plucking out our brow hairs by their little ROOTS, why doesn't that spell the end of them forever and ever, amen? Why, instead, do they grow back 2.67 days later?

    2. Why in the feck is it that there isn't a single shade of red lipstick known to God, man, and Sephora that I can wear?

  8. Moy: I feel your pain. It took me years to find a red lipstick that didn't look completely atrocious with my coloring (read: albino-esque pale skin). Sephora and M.A.C. be cursed for they could not appease me. I finally found a shade from Arbonne called Jam that I adore. It's literally the only one that's ever worked for me.

    Rest easy, though. In my head I picture you as the glamour-puss from your apple-nomming avatar anyway and I'm pretty dang sure THAT chick has her perfect shade of rockabilly red.

  9. Ah. I have heard of this "Arbonne" spoken of in hushed tones by fashionistas-in-the-know and so off I go!

  10. Thanks HC!! Its working,its really working!


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