Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Sobering Issue

I’ve just been thinking…

How many of you agree that it’s high time that we voted to end women’s suffrage? I mean, it is truly a shame and a disgrace the suffrage that we women have endured for decades.

So… what say you, comrades? Shall we take up this fight and make our voices heard? I'm putting it to a vote. Let me know your thoughts on the issue.


  1. It's encouraging to see you tackling the tough topics. I'm on board 100%. Women have suffraged for too long.

  2. Count me in HC! Enough is definitely enough!

  3. I definitely do not want to suffer! I vote for not sufferaging (I still do want to vote, of course).

  4. Thanks, kids. I am confident that with everyone's support we can make some headway in this cause.

  5. *snorts* You had me going there for a minute as I have stumbled onto websites before that would like to repeal the 19th Amendment.

  6. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  7. Congratulations on missing the point, Mr. Montoya.

    P.S. I killed your father.

  8. Harbls: People will never cease to amaze and terrify me.

    Inigo/6-Fingered Man: Anybody want a peanut?

  9. Heather - I just did a Jell-O post at VDM and I was really tempted to use that amazing Jell-O ad you sent me but I really want to save it, I love it so much! It deserves a separate post for sure...


  10. Incontheivable!

  11. Liddy: Great! I'll come check it out. I've got so many Jell-O ads saved to use sometime.

  12. I'm so there. All this sufferaging for my art – and my shoes – has got to stop.

  13. Agreed! I was kinda secretly glad to have to wear my snow boots today just cuz it gave me feets a rest. :o)


I can has comments?

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