Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: Outrage

[Warning: Graphic Images]


  1. I was thinking of going this route but didn't have one with a nice happy ending. Great choice.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  2. The fact that we humans – the more evolved species – still heap this kind of abuse upon our companion animals is indeed one of life's greatest outrages. The good thing is, there are more and more happy endings every day. Mainly due to the fact that these dogs, the repository of so much abuse, usually bounce back so wonderfully and love us anyway.

    But I'd still like to bullet-hole all the asshats out there who do things like this. Time to get out of the gene pool.

  3. Awareness, as graphic as it may be, goes a long way to help...but it's just beyond me how anyone could do this to any living defenseless creature. btw, Moot Monday is perfect..Monday mornings at work are the worst time for ME to wanna socialize.

  4. People like the one(s) that did this to River make me wish that mythical creature Cerberus (the hell-dog with 3 heads) existed just so he could torment them for all time.

  5. So so sad and sickening......

    I'm glad it was a happy ending.

  6. Why?? I guess someone got a kick out of this?

    Glad to know that River is now in good hands.

  7. Vixen: Thanks... and yeah, I cry everytime I look at River's pictures.

    Shawn: I don't think they ever caught who did it either.

  8. Oh poor sweet baby. :( This is awful.

  9. I was going to start Mute Monday today, and as I read what the topic was over at the other blog, I was actually thinking about going this route...and now I know I will...I feel I have to now. Your post of dear sweet River made me immensly sad and immensly angry. One day these people will have to answer for this....

  10. Out on a Limb: I know. It hurts my heart so.

    Hairball: She usually says it pretty well, huh?

    O/O: We can only hope for justice whether in this life or the eternal one. Will head over to check your MM out...


I can has comments?

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