Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Quartet

Three of my friends and I formed a quartet last year. This was our first time to sing together as a group. The entire song is a cappella.

We are learning a new song now and will be singing it this Palm Sunday.


  1. AND you can sing! Well, color Moi even more impressed. I couldn't carry a tune if you gave me a brand new Bottega Veneta to put it in.

  2. Thanks, Moi! What about in a fanny pack?

  3. You sound beautiful together! Like moi, I'm very impressed. And thanks for posting this! :)

  4. I belonged to an ensemble choir in 10th grade. I remember being excited when we were invited to sing at a regional contest. And then that excitement turned sour when my ensemble teacher politely asked me to mouth the words when we got to the contest. *sniff* I never sang again.

  5. Fanny pack? Hush yo mouf.

  6. Shawn: I found this clip of you singing and I have to say, I can't blame your teacher. Sorry, fella.

    Moi: In a Croc? In a sock? Underneath a rock while you pop and lock?

  7. That's not exactly fair. They told me just before going on stage to "sing it like you were just hit in the head with a 2 x 4". I did my best with that dubious advice.

  8. Well, in that case, you did a really good job at that.

  9. Moi said exaclty what I was thinking...AND you can sing. That was really awesome HC!! I wanna hear more! I sing too! Yeah, behind closed doors, all by myself, where I cant hurt anyone else! Really, that was really good and I am impressed.

  10. Thanks, friend!

    What do you sing behind those closed doors? And you better not say "It's a Small World."

    I will see if I can get video of our song this Sunday and post it.

  11. HC: LOL...Thanks a lot, not nice, not nice at all. Just the mere mention of that thing....

  12. Absolutely AWESOME, HC! Enjoyed every single minute of it! Your voices blend perfectly! Wish you were closer, I'd ask you to come sing at our church!

  13. Thank you so much, MM! We really enjoy singing together.

  14. AnonymousMay 08, 2009

    U guys are the best singers ever!!!! I love u guys! God gave u such a talent!

  15. AnonymousMay 08, 2009

    that was me Rachele, i forgot to put my name heheh sorry! love ya all!!!


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