Monday, April 13, 2009


So, many of you are familiar with my distaste for PeTA. Reason numero uno: they are pibble-haters. They want to ban and euthanize all pit bulls. They wanted to PTS every dog confiscated from Bad Newz Kennels. And despite the amazing stories having come out of the Vick Dog camp, they continue to declare that the dogs still should not have been allowed to live.

They also think having a "companion animal" (read: "pet") is slavery. And when I say they call it slavery, I mean that they literally compare having a pet to pre-Civil War America's enslavement of African captives.

Now, I thought they had pretty much fallen off the deep end already when last year they actually requested that Ben & Jerry's change their ice cream formulation to use breast milk in lieu of cow's milk. That's just dirty hippie on a whole new level.

But just when you think you've heard it all, here's Reason No. 1,782 to believe that PeTA is truly one coconut short of a migrating flock of swallows: they have sent 80's pop group the Pet Shop Boys a letter urging them to change their band name to "Rescue Shelter Boys." No, people. This. Is not. A joke. Except maybe in the metaphorical way. You can't make up stuff this stupid. As you might imagine, the Boys have declined the request, although they have also made it clear that they do not in any way support pet shops.

PLEASE don't get me wrong here. I am as staunchly anti-pet shop and puppy mill as they come. And if you are wondering why that is, then please, please, PLEASE check out Best Friends' A Puppy-Store-Free L.A. campaign.

Lastly, I'll leave you with one more tidbit... PeTA is now going on the PR defensive for fish, redubbing them "Sea Kittens" because they believe that people would think twice about fishing for, killing and eating "Sea Kittens." You can even go on their site and create your own huggable sea kitten. I tried to put mine on here but I couldn't get the html code to work right. Suffice it to say, it was awesome. It had a mohawk, a unicorn horn, and Water Wiggles.

But I still don't like PeTA. Cutesy Flash-animated fishy dress-up games notwithstanding.


  1. You've pretty much said it all. It's one thing to be legitimately against "real" wrongs happening in society, and quite another to go along with inane insanity like these PeTA folks...right on! ps, I didn't know about the breast milk thing...geeeeez

  2. I know... gross, huh? I don't know how they could possibly think anyone would go along with that. Ick.

  3. I'm pretty sure they just sit around in an office and brainstorm the most ridiculous, media-attention ideas they can come up with, and then make sure everyone knows about it.

    Either that, or they really are that crazy, but I can't even imagine.

  4. You are so wrong! 5 out of 5 dentists agree that Snuggles is adorable! I just thought you would like another point of view!

  5. Shawn: IMO they also use their campaigns as an excuse to do pr0nographic stunts in the nude out in broad daylight. Think of the children, PeTA! Think of the children...

    Mel: Hey, thanks! So does that mean you're a dentist? You're such a talented (and lovely) pooch! Did I mention bespeckled?

  6. Right on HC!!! Nice post...yeah, they are a little nutty. Why on earth would they be against pets? We should all "free our pets from slavery" and turn them all lose! Yeah, then they could run the streets, starve, and be killed by cars, disease, and satanist (i just threw that in for fun...weeee!)Do they even THINK about these things before they say them? Breast Milk? Well Im off to make myself some sea kitten and chips, yum.

  7. Oh, and I wanted to comment on the pet shop thing. Good for you for sharing knowledge of the evil of pet stores-puppy mill/puppy broker supporters no matter what they may claim.

  8. I am lolling, lolling, lolling!

    Who knows, sister? They are certifiably sans-marbles.

    Yeah, really pissed me off after Oprah did her puppy mill show and then all these pet shop owners wrote in chiding her for the blanket statements she made about pet shops. They were all, "Not all of us are bad. We get our dogs only from the most reputable breeders and we take care of our animals." Um, sorry but... not possible! You ain't fooling anyone! Except that you clearly are, which is why people buy from those places. And that's why it's so sad. I'm devoting a future post to this subject. I will put up a LOT of info.

  9. Awesome, do it! The key for these pet shop owners to remember is NO reputable breeder would LET thier pups go to pet shops...period. All it means is that pet shop people making that claim dont know a reputable breeder from thier own arse.

  10. O/O: Abso-freakin-lutely!

    Wiz: Agreed on all counts. And my point exactly on the "sex sells vegetables" idea. The use of nudity in their campaigns only makes them appear more low-brow and so much less credible. And it assumes guys are dumb enough to fall for it. Oh, and that Super Bowl ad was disgusting, retarded and completely over the top. Kinda like PeTA!

  11. I've always thought PeTA was on the fringe ever since they were splattering people who wore fur coats with red paint, but this is just insane!

  12. I hate PETA with a passion so white hot, if I don't keep it under control, it will shoot out into the atmosphere, seek out Ingrid Newkirk and force feed her Big Macs until she chokes and dies.

    They just be whack on crack y'all! Now pass me some a those Sea Kitten sticks, will ya?

  13. You mean Ingrid Puke-urk?



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