Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Open Letter to LOST

An Open Letter to LOST

Dear Favoritest Show Ever:

It really isn't necessary for you to do a recap show every 3 weeks. Please air more actual episodes. Thanks in advance.

All my love,


Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


  1. Thanks, compadre! I'm posting my Nickelback letter soon. I feel certain you will co-sign it as well.

  2. I voted for you. Return the favor at the Haiku Contest!

  3. Thanks, Troll! On my way...

    Hi, sis!

  4. I'm so glad I never started watching that show because it looks confusing as hell. I don't want to have to actually THINK when I watch TV :)

  5. LOST is getting dangerously close to becoming the next Sopranos. That is, a show that started off killer, and fizzled out at the end.

  6. Ugh I was so exsited for LOST (why do they get all caps?), I even would sacrifice American Idol's time for it but nooooo, we just have to let everyone know everything us hardcore fans have stuggled to learn!

  7. I totally agree! I need Facebook fodder not a recap. I got it the first time ok folks?

  8. Brooke: Never ever say that.

    FTU: Really? Cuz this season is dangerously close to being my favorite.

    Sparkle: They get all CAPS because they're the best. EVER.

    Geek: Worse are the reruns with the ridiculous pop-ups.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)