Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Open Letter to Nickelback

An Open Letter to Nickelback

Dear Nickelback:

Please do us all a favor and stopping making what doesn't even bear a passing resemblance to music. No, seriously.

With greatest appreciation,

Everyone in the World

NOTE: Funny story... I had this post in my drafts and just hadn't posted it yet when I came across another blogger's Open Letter to Nickelback! Check out Shawn's awesome version at The Shark Tank.

Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


  1. It's been killing you to not post this, hasn't it?

    Oh well, it deserves to be said more than once.

  2. Amen.

    And while you're at it? See what you can do about My Chemical Romance, won't cha?

  3. Oh, I could have written that, because I hate them so....

    Hmm..I cant say the same for MCR though...

  4. Shawn: YES, lol! And indeed, it does bear repeating. Obviously it hasn't sunk in for them yet. I'm beginning to wonder if the targets of our open letters are actually never getting the chance to read them. Maybe we should rethink the delivery process...

    Moy: I'm not completely opposed to MCR, however, I am sick to death of MTV bowing down at their altar.

    O/O: I know! That's why I heart you!

  5. thanks to both you and
    Shawn for giving this band a piece of our collective consciousness!

  6. I think a class-action cease and desist order is called for here.

    I don't know if that's even a valid legal move, but it should be.

    And it should also be applied to Linkin Park and Limp Biskit.

  7. Margo: You are VERY welcome. It was our pleasure.

    Jeff: YOU, sir, are a musical genius. That's for certain. Agreed on all counts.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)