Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Top Ten Failed Ideas for New Television Series

You may remember that there was a writers’ strike last year, which crippled the entertainment industry for months. As a result, many less-than-stellar new shows were considered for pilots. Here’s the short list of those that didn’t quite make the cut.

Top Ten Failed Ideas for New Television Series:

  • Saved By the Bell: The Retirement Home Years

  • Hell’s Angels’ Kitchen - Burly bikers display their softer sides by showing off their cookin' skillz.

  • From the talented Animal Planet wildlife videographers that brought you Meerkat Manor, Orangutan Island, and Dark Days in Monkey City, keep an eye out for Sea Monkey City and the forthcoming spin-off series Ant Farm .

    • And from the fine folks that brought you Date My Mom, and Who Wants to Marry My Dad?, tune in to Aunt Farm.

    • Catch TLC's new hit decorating show... Trading Double Wides!

    • New from Reality Show giant Mark Burnett: Survivor of Temptation Island’s Great Amazing Sack Race; a reality-show extravaganza where couples break up, eat bugs and compete in silly games like “Don’t Drop the Egg”, “Pass the Orange” and “3-Legged Races” with other potential suitors.

    • Law and Order: Horse Cop Edition - No, it's not about the mounted police officers. It’s about the horses themselves and the crrrrrazy high jinx they get into.

    • Also, with the recent popularity of mall cop movies, watch for Law and Order: Security Guard Unit.

    • The OC - Stands for "The Oklahoma City". Follow bratty, privileged reservation teenagers from the 5 civilized tribes.

    • Pimp My Walker - Senior citizens will love this new program, airing immediately between syndicated reruns of Matlock and Murder: She Wrote. Also briefly considered... Pimp My Hoveround.

    Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


    1. Grrherhahhahahahahaha. Funny on many levels. I had an inferior pic of those trailers that I've now replaced with your big clear version. Thanks!

    2. Thanks, Troll! I almost did "Pimp My Bicycle" or "Pimp My Segway" but in my image search I found that it's already been done a bunch o' times. :( So much for creativity.

    3. I love this! Aunt Farm? Trading Double Wides? I smell at least two winners :)

    4. If the Sea Monkey show involved putting Mickey Dolenz at the bottom of the ocean, I'd watch that.

    5. Margo: With Aunt Farm I have this funny image in my head of these aunt-women halfway sticking up out of the ground out in a vegetable patch, ripe for the picking. They're all, "Oh honey, when are you going to get married?" and "C'mere favorite niece! Lemme peench them cheeks!"

      Allen: Thank you! *bowing*

      Doug: Hm, I think I could get onboard with that... whoops, no pun intended. Really, though.

    6. Failed ideas? I would watch every one of these shows. Tivo them, even. Except maybe Pimp my Walker.

      Now, Pimp my Walker: Texas Ranger...that I would watch.

    7. Sign me up. They can't be any worse than what's on now. Actually, most of them sound far more entertaining. The WGA is going to hate you. :)

    8. HAHAhaha...Hell's Angel's Kitchen and Trading Double Wides!! Actually, they all sound like fun.. except I'd probably only go for the sea monkey show if they used Doug's idea.. Er...btw, where is that double wide high rise anyway?...I could totally live there...

    9. All: Hm... maybe I should have titled this post, "Top Ten BESTEST Ideas for New Television Series"???

      Shark: Stop stealing my future post ideas! I was thinking of going in a "Bush: Texas Ranger" direction, however, that was inspired by the thought of "Pimp My Walker: Texas Ranger." Amazing that two people could actually come up with the same retarded idea, no?

      Jeff: I already hate THEM. For stealing my precious TV from me for so long.

      W/T: Pretty rad-lookin' place actually, innit?

    10. LOL...Sea Monkey City and Amazing Sack Race! You are cracking me up...

    11. Brilliant! I especially love that Hells' Angels cooking show. And the OC! LOL

    12. O/O: Heh... :o)

      Liddy: Thanks! I was hoping not just the Oklahomans would think that one was funny.

    13. Very nice. I like. You should talk to Dick Wolf about your Law & Order idea, he'd probably produce. And it would be awesomely hilarious.

    14. Sorry, this is totally off topic but I ran across this article on pit bulls and thought you might want to go look at it.

      http://www.neatorama.com/2009/04/20/heroic-pit-bulls/And now back to our regular commenting...

    15. I must know...do people really live if those trailors?

    16. haha! Wonder what would happen if some were produced...?

    17. FTU: I'm so obsessed with Law & Order; I would just about welcome ANY spin-off. *texting Dick Wolfe*

      Wendy: Awesome articles about heroic pibbles are NEVER off-topic. Thanks, chickie! I'll go check that out!

      Brooke: Good question! I'm curious, too.

      Sparkle: Let's hope that question never gets answered, LOL!

    18. I'm all about the OC. Love the idea of that show! But how about some wifeswap/schoolswap thrown in and make some ritzy Edmond kids attend school in ...say ... Blanchard. Now that would be a trip too!

    19. That's great, Pam! I love it.

    20. That horse cops photo quacks me up. I've gotten through 14 years of marriage by regularly "crushing" my husband's head from a distance in an attempt to deflect any kind of ambient hostility that could actually turn violent. Thus, keeping our love alive and my ass out of jail.

    21. Moy, I had no idea The Kids in the Hall could have such a profound effect on marital bliss!

    22. Pimp My Walker - Senior citizens will love this new program, airing immediately between syndicated reruns of Matlock and Murder: She Wrote. Also briefly considered... Pimp My Hoveround.Cool! I need some ideas for the future besides flame stickers ( non-sparkly of course) and hanging dice on my walker.

    23. Fuschia tennis balls on the tips, spinners and dubs for the tiny wheels, ground effects, hydraulics, shall I go on...?


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