Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another New Blog

Okay, so disclaimer: I never thought I'd be one of those people with 23 different blogs.

Disclaimer over. I have another new blog! Check out The Clothing Swap Blog. My fashionably fabulous friend Moi over at Bite the Apple suggested the idea and we figured, hey, what the heck. Why not do it together?

It's a great place to score fun FREE items like this pair of vintage rhinestone cat-eye glasses:

Or these peep-toe leopard shoes:

So hop on over... check it out! And rummage through your closets at home for some gems that might need a new home.


  1. Hey, do you want to do a blog together where we just promote all the other blogs we're starting?

  2. I know you're jealous that you're not invited to the girl party. Boyz r not aloud.

  3. You can just march those leopard shoes right on over to my closet! Thank you very much. TODAY please.

  4. You can just march those leopard shoes right on over to my closet! Thank you very much. TODAY please.

  5. They say that's the firt sign of old age, repeating yourself.....

    They say that's the firt sign of old age, repeating yourself.....

  6. LOL.

    You know the rules. Put something else up for swap in place of the shoes. No exceptions for moms! :o)

  7. What a totally cool idea, HC! Oh, nan-nan...you just gave me my first big chuckle today...thanks.

  8. I never thought I would have more than one blog, either. Looks like I can't have kids or I will NEVER have the time to write on them :)

  9. O/O: Thanks! It was Moi's idear, though. She gets all dah credit.

    Brooke: Yeah, you're too busy writing about periods and smelly lotions. ;)


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)