Sunday, May 10, 2009

Desperate Plea for an Introduction... to... YOU!

This is my query: are you out there? Are you reading this blog? If you're not "following" me or haven't ever made a comment, wouldn't you please comment on this post? I'd like to know who's out there reading all anonymous-like and such. Or, as Mountain Muddah likes to say "blurking" (blog-lurking).

Pretty please?

Hi everybody! Happy Mother's Day to all ye mums out there. And most of all, Happy Mother's Day to my mom. I love you like I love cake! (Actually much, much more...)


  1. AnonymousMay 10, 2009

    I'm here, but I comment all the time so I probably don't count :(

  2. We totally dig this blog!

    Check out ours when you can!

    -Lo and Li

  3. Allll rigght, I'll quit lurking and make a comment. (I'm not using that other word. In fact, I'm going to pretend you didn't use it either).

  4. you know I'm here, babe!

  5. I'm here, but if you can't see me...then I must be invisible. Well, either that or I'm a ghost, lol. ;-)

  6. Brooke: Of course you count! Just not as a lurker. :)

    Lo and Li: Hey! Thanks for commenting! I will be coming over to check out your blerg! Cheers!

    Shawn: It's about time! I knew you were out there reading... somewhere. BTdub, Obladi said the other day that your comments are becoming a side attraction on my blog. Ha!

    Julia: You betcha, babycakes!

    Miss: Pleased ta meetcha! Glad you're here and not a ghost. Ghosts creep me out!

  7. Lori's comment seems oddly familiar.

  8. Would that be because they are followers over at our other blog?

  9. My apologies for perhaps having been a "blurker". I do find your blog to be both refreshing and humorous. Your Snuggles is a cutie and the open letters are hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Sweet dreams! xo~

  10. I'm here, too! I mostly lurk because you're so funny that I just curl up in the corner paralyzed by my own inadequacies.

    Also, I don't want Shawn to get jealous.

  11. Hi Marcy! Don't apologize - I was just curious about who likes reading the ridiculous crap I write. :o)

    Wendy: As if! LOL.

  12. Hey Heather! I always read, though I don't always comment, but you and Snuggles always invoke laughs and smiles... I'm always afraid I'm gonna open mouth and insert foot when I'm having a not-so-creative day... Happy Monday!

  13. You callin' me a blurker?

  14. and you always, always make me smile! thanks!

  15. Winky: Thanks! We try. :o)

    Nikkie: Maaaaybe... ;p And thanks so much!

  16. Miss Heather I'll follow you. I'll even comment from time to time. Give me a look as well. I'm an old cowboy so my language is beyond coarse at times but I usually give fair warning. Other than that just writing about life in the 41st state.

  17. Thanks, Madman! I'll come take a look-see...

  18. I stopped by Milk River Madman the other day, Heather- good stuff. :-)

  19. Wonder if I have any Blurkers, Heather?........hmmmm, hadn't thought about that.

  20. I love your blog, read it daily!

  21. Mom: You like it cuz he's a self-admitted cowboy. :)

    Cathy: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it!

  22. Just found this today from another humor site, nice work!


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)