Friday, May 1, 2009

I Heart Legos

I have been thinking lately that I might like to drive a Honda Element. Did you know that the interior is waterproof so you can powerwash the inside?! And riding in it feels like you’re inside a roomy spaceship. And they have this cool tent thing that you can attach to the back end and go camping! OMG!

An Element does resemble a Lego car, though, and sadly, I don't look like this:

And I think it might be a requirement to have hands shaped like little C’s in order to grip the steering wheel. Also, your feet have to have little square-shaped holes in them.

I really do want one, though.

Any of you out there have one and wanna tell me how you like driving it?

Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


  1. I drove one once. It didn't seem like anything special. Although I wonder if the owner of the car knew about its ability to be powerwashed on the inside. I have to guess no, because he made me pull over in a hurry when his drunk girlfriend needed to throw up.

  2. I think they're so super-cool rad. Maybe the vomiting episode tainted your opinion of the car?

  3. um, can snuggles come out and play?

  4. Well, since you asked so nicely...

  5. I iz comeen out ta play...

  6. One of my best friends who lives in New Mexico has one. I didn't get to drive it, but rode around a lot. Pretty basic, but very cool and comfortable. And I've owned two Hondas and they are amazing cars as far as safety/mileage/dependability

  7. My first car was a Honda and I've driven 2 others since then. I love Hondas!

  8. When I see a Honda Element, it makes me think of when I was a little kid and tried to draw cars. All of my cars looked like boxes on top of four unicycles.

  9. I think that I would probably more or less like to have one of those Honda Elements to ride around in! If I had one of those Honda Elements to ride around in, I would probably fill it up with water and pink bubble bath soap up to my chin so I could take a pink bubble bath in it! That Honda Element would then be my Honda Bubble Bath Element!

    No boys allowed however!

  10. HTH: OMG, you're soooooo right!

    Mel: You sez it! I mean, sed it.


I can has comments?

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