Thursday, May 28, 2009

I made up a new word.

I was calling Snuggles a fur-person, which then became "furson." I like it. I shall keep it.

One time I saw an Asian kid wearing bizarre clothing and his hair stuck out in all directions like an anime character and I was like, "Lookit that crazy Asian......... Crasian! HAHAHA!" Another time I was talking about the character of Kelly on The Office and how valley girl she is. Which led to "trendian." Because she's Indian. Dot, not feather. Jake and Christy can both attest to the genius that led to the creation of these awesome words.

And then long time ago my brother and I started saying the word "ginormous" and then suddenly it got all *popular* (finger quotes) and crap. How'd that happen?

Have you ever made up a fun word? How about a word that you heard later and you SWORE you invented it first?


  1. I think my brother and I coined the word "snarf", a very technological term used to describe the exit of liquid, such as milk or juice, through one's nose (frequently due to laughter)

  2. btw- Your awesomeness is pretty loud since it made me chuckle...

  3. When I was in college, my roommate and I called things that were tacky "janky." (Maybe for tacky and junky?) I thought we made it up, but when I met my husband many years later, he used it, too. He went to college in a different state than us and I doubt our cleverness traveled that far.

  4. HA HA HA...Furson..thats really cute. I love your made up words. You are a wordsmith...a wordeator..word creator, get it? not so good at it myself!!
    My friend and I did make up our own words alot in high school, and we still say them, but we cant remember how or why we came up with most of them. We did stuff like say: "What thyme is it?" But we would pronouce it wrong; we would say the "Th" sound like as in "the". Wierd crap like that. We came up with the word Thimbacube for thankyou (dont remember why) and Welph for your welcome (dont rememger why either). Yeah, we are stupid.

  5. Oh and love the new profile pic!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When working for the Chilis home office, I'd sometimes preface a sentence with 'Well I'm not a rocket surgeon but...' Of course it is everywhere now.

    Whatever, at least *I* know I came up with it independently.

    *Sorry, I forgot how colorful the previously linked post was exactly* :(

  8. When I was in school, we called all the skanky kids "scurvy," which isn't a made up word since it's actually a disease, but all of us were too young to know that. I've never heard other people use the word this way, except the crazies in my tiny hometown :)

  9. I thought I made up panzy when I was younger. That is not the case. Furson is awesome, I immediately thought of a furry person.

  10. Obamanation (now widely copied)

    MediVac ( resident of canuckistan who comes to florida partly to see a real doctor rather than a socialist doctor)

    MediVacation (see above)

  11. Actually, I am a certified inventor of words--a linguisitor, by name--and have made up quite a few. However, the one that sticks is Shawnukuh, which is the blessed week leading to my birthday.

  12. *is going to kill someone if she hears/reads the term shawnukuh again*...okay, now that that's out....

    i used to invent words as a child - not so much as an adult. i do claim credit, though, for the strap*perfect bra implement. i totally invented that in high school with a hair barrette.

    i'm currently suing the company for stealing my mental property.

    on a related note...i hate the combining of celebrity couple names...tomkat, brangelina, spedderline...



  13. Runner: That's interesting because I've always used "snarf" as eating food really fast because you're starving. And thanks!

    Jess: I've used that word a time or two and had people go, "Huh? What's 'janky' mean?" In my mind it was more like "wacky" or "goofed up" or "crooked."

    O/O: I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only dork in high school, lol! Me and my friends used to think it was major cool to shorten things, like names especially. "Melis" instead of "Melissa" or "Jenif" for "Jennifer." Stupid, yes. Very.

    Eric: No harm done! :o) P.S. I've used that Rocket Surgeon line before, too; also Brain Scientist.

    Brooke: The scurvy thing is clever. Certainly more tactful than a certain group of friends who used to call kids they didn't like "eddies" - short for "special ed."

    Derek: Ooh, yeah, I could use it for Sasquatches, too, huh?

    Troll: Somehow I knew you'd mention Obamanation. I like the Medivacation one... funny!

    Shawn: That's hilariously funny.

    Jersey: That's totally not funny at all.


I can has comments?

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