Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bent Objects

Today I wanted to spotlight an artist that I just stumbled across recently. This guy Terry makes the most darling and kooky art out of found objects and wire and bits of things. Check his blog out and meantime, here are a few of my favorites from his collection:

Now tell me those weren't more fun than a pail of puppies? Trick question - NOTHING'S better than a pail of puppies.


  1. Clever stuff! It's still modern art, but compelling and humorous.
    Ice cube was hilarious.

  2. I know! I love the idea of the Titanic being the subject of a motivational poster.

  3. Hahaha, this makes me want to get some wire and start messing around!

  4. Weird! I love that Titanic one.

  5. Soda: Me, too! We used to do this kinda stuff back in AP Art Class. It was fun. I made a whole zoo out of bottlecaps and such.

    Shawn: I love it, too.

  6. that stuff is awesome. I love the name, Bent Objects as well. I feel like one bent object most days.

  7. Nicely done; nice find.

    The dill pickle/green olive fight to the death was a particular joy.

    And I was rather disturbingly amused by the ass on that pear.

  8. Those were absolutely adorable! Im a fan!!! Thanks for sharing...and duh...a bucket or pale or whatever of puppies is THE BEST thing ever.

  9. Margo: Me, too, LOL!

    G: Thanks! I love the "look" on the olive's face and I think that's just about the cutest nekkid pear I ever saw.

    O/O: We know this.

  10. I keep looking at these...I just realized (Im slow) that the scorpion is a safey pin!! The 'smore about to happen one is sinister. And I cant believe I wrote "pale" of puppies instead of "pail".

  11. Ha ha, I can't believe you did either. I'm going to call you Eric. (Just saying this to see if he's paying attention!)

  12. This was great! What fun!

  13. Wow, look at the anger between the pickle and the olive. Dayum!


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