Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Short Story

It was the summer of '67. A late storm was blowing through and folks were scattering, much like stuff that scatters. All the stores on Main Street closed up shop. It was only 3 o'clock in the afternoon but already the sky had darkened to a dusky hue. I stood under the awning outside Molly May's Bonnet Shoppe and cursed myself for leaving my umbrella at home. I ran for my car, charging through puddles without regard for my already ruined and soaked state.

Suddenly, I stopped cold. What I saw would change my life. Directly in front of me was the most shocking thing I'd ever seen. It was -

The End.


  1. well written. The start to a novel? lol.

  2. I was moved by that.

    The last words of someone hit by lightning? Glad they had an old timey typewriter and paper with them to finish the story.

  3. That was kind of mean.....
