Thursday, July 9, 2009

That's IT!

I’m growing my hair back out… OFFICIALLY.

Today I stopped by Wendy’s to pick up a salad (I’m on a diet, people!) and as I paid and got my food the woman working there said to me, “Thank you, sir.”






I mean, I know I have short hair but in my defense I was wearing large hoop earrings, makeup, high heels, boobs. You know, stuff like that.



So… now I’m off to shave my mustache and drown my sorrows in chocolate chip ice cream on a waffle cone.


  1. The woman in the window is a moron.

  2. You want me to take her out, Heath? 'Cause I'll take her out, RIGHT NOW!!!!

  3. Sick Snuggles on her! I think your hair looks great (judging from the blog's photo). Although... twice in my life I cut my hair that short (once in college - why?) and once after my first son was born... both times I didn't get it cut again - just grew it out right away. lol.

  4. They let blind people work the drive thru windows? Seems dangerous if you ask me.

  5. Oh good grief....what an idiot. Trust me, even by just looking at your face on your profile pic, you do NOT look like a man....that person has been enhaling too many french fry grease fumes....

  6. Hah! If you look like a man then I look like a twinkie. I wouldn't worry about it babes (at the very least, you're the prettiest man I ever did see)

  7. The reverse happened to me at a drive thru when I was seventeen and had long hair. Me and my girlfriend were driving away from the Miami Subs window and the woman said, "You ladies have a nice night." I immediately cut my hair five years later.

  8. That happened to my mom at a restaurant once. That kind of freaked her out.

  9. at least they didn't ask you when your baby was due!....and the baby was 3 months old...ugh! happened to me long ago! this is not something that helps a woman sufferring from the baby blues, btw. i feel your pain : (

    i looovvvee the hair my friend.

  10. I can't believe that happened. Wendy's getting salads, I mean. Really?

    But seriously, you don't look anything like a "sir."

    In fairness, though, perhaps she couldn't see the earrings or the boobs? That's why I think it's good to prominently display them. I say this as a public service announcement, not as some random guy on a blog advocating bare-breasted women in public. Really! I just like to help people.

  11. I'd definitely sic Nan-Nan on her.

  12. You look totally gorgeous, Heather - don't change a thing! That woman should not have been in charge of anything, even (or especially) a takeout window.

  13. JerseyGirlJuly 11, 2009

    I had a shaved head for a few months. The breaking point of shaving it & beginning the "growing out" process was when I shopping in JoAnn Fabric (don't ask) with my ex-husband...(like you, boobs, lipstick - the whole deal)...and the little lady there goes, "are you BOYS almost done? We are closing in a few minutes."



  14. Seriously. Really! What kind of a guy eats a salad??


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