Friday, September 11, 2009

Reflections on Turning 30

Yes, ladies and germs, I am the big 3-0 today. I can hardly believe it. I'm not like a lot of people, who dread turning 30. I've actually looked forward to this. However, being 30 is not what I thought it would be. When I was younger, I always thought that by the time I turned 30 I would have arrived at the following:

-My first gray hair

-At least a wrinkle or two


-A stable career that I love

Well... these things have yet to happen. However, notwithstanding the last 2 items, I have had a great 30 years so far and hope to have at least 30 more!

Go me-e, it's mah birthday, go me-e it's mah birthday...


  1. Those are awesome shoes!

    Happy 30th to you! What a great age... *reminiscing*

    Just watch how fast the time flies now, though. I'm just sayin.

  2. Happy birthday, HC!

    *faxing virtual birthday cake, the kind with sour cream icing, not that regular nasty shortening kind of frosting, although not really sure if it matters on virtual cakes, but had to consider the implications anyway*

  3. My girl turned 30 this week too! Happy birthday, 30 is the new 28.

  4. Happy belated Birthday!!

    Hope you did something silly yesterday that made you smile! :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Heather!

  6. Heather! Happy 30th Birthday, dah-ling! I celebrated my 30th just 3 days prior to yours. I knew I liked you.

  7. HC...Happy birthday!!!! I hope it was awesome...and Foxy is right....the years will fly by now. Enjoy every second. You.are.awesome.

  8. Happy happy birthday, dear Heather! I can hardly remember 30 but it wasn't anything like what I expected either (that was almost 17 years ago, ha ha)

  9. Happy Birthday, my friend!

  10. Happy Birthday, Heather! Those shoes are the size of your leg! Hope you had a great one :)

  11. Happy birthday!

    I hope you got pink stuff!


  12. You were certainly worth those 14 hours of natural childbirth! Our lives changed for the better at 7:28 PM on 9/11/1979. 9/11 will always be a grand and glorious day in our family. For that and for you I am forever thankful. Your smile, your laughter, your love of life and the joy you give to every one is amazing. September 11 may be your birthday, Heather, but YOU are the gift to us all. I love you, Mom.

  13. Thanks, everyone, for all your well wishes!

  14. Happy (WAY LATE) Birthday!

    I'm a sucky friend. :)

    And wow, 2001 must have been an awkward birthday...

  15. HAPPY BELATED BDAY! So sorry I missed it Heather. You were a cutie!

    How was the party?


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