Thursday, November 26, 2009

Awesome Vintage Advertisements: Special Thanksgiving Edition

A Thanksgiving short story...

Gather 'round, kids, while I tell a story as old as the ages.

336 Thanksgivings ago a giant man ate all the pilgrims.

The End.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Here's hoping a giant dude doesn't eat you and yours this holiday.


  1. Goodness, I didn't realize Paul Bunyon helped build the telephone system. Mmmmm... Pilgrims...

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  2. Did he floss afterwards or just leave all the pilgrim bits stuck between his teeth?

  3. I love those odd little ads! What the hell where people thinking?

  4. I love you, girl! Come back to blogging!! Please?!

  5. Wait, wait, you left out the best part!

    It was a giant RONALD REAGAN!


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)