Monday, April 5, 2010

Piper's Diapers

My beautiful sister-in-law Christy and my niece Piper were on the local news the other day for a story about cloth diapering. Check out Christy's blog post with a link to the vid!


  1. Whew, I almost did not click on the link when I saw the title of your post.

  2. You know...I meant to check out the video yesterday while on my lap top...but forgot. I will check it out a little later when Im on it again. Piper is such a cutie.

  3. Where is you be?

    If I'm going to be back blogging, now's not the time for a vacation. No, indeed.

  4. I admire any woman who calls her sister-in-law "beautiful". Things are usually more catty between in-laws.

  5. Possibly the GREATEST page I have read all year?!


  6. I just discovered and now love this blog, hope to see some new posts as this one is a few months old.

  7. EBee, thanks so much! I actually have a first-post-in-a-long-time in the works, so stay tuned. Glad you like the blog! I shan't try to chase you away.

  8. Bananas - of course! I am incredibly lucky to have a sister like Christy. In fact, as she is the sister I never had, I call her my sister most of the time, but that tends to confuse people. So sometimes I have to break down and say sister-in-law. :)


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