Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: H-E-L-L


  1. welcome to Mute Mondays! Is that lib-hero Mikey Vick? He was the subject of one of the very first Mute Mondays and SHOULD be in Hell.

    Happy MM!

  2. Bless you. I think there is a very SPECIAL Hell for him.

    (Wait until Moi gets here.)

    Happy Mute Monday!

  3. :( *sob*

    Very well done.


  4. Vick is one nasty bastid. Karma awaits him...Happy MM!

  5. Your HELL is succinct and to the point!

    Can you believe there are STILL those who believe Vic should NOT be punished for his actions?

  6. He hasnt made the news in the UK, I shall have to go and look him up now. Welcome to MM :)

  7. Boxer: Hell won't be hot enough!

    Vixen: Thanks!

    J/J: That he is.

    Fishy: Check out my post from Tuesday 3/3/09. No... I certainly can't believe it.

    Cake: Just Wiki Michael Vick. You'll get the whole story there. Although, you'll wish you could go back to not knowing again.

  8. The man deserves to burn, for sure. However, some good did come out of what happened. For the first time ever in a case involving pit bulls, the public outcry was directed at the deed, not the breed. Ten years ago, no judge would have ever granted a stay of execution for the Vick dogs, no assessments would have been done, no placements made. But the reaction to what Vic did to these dogs was so strong that for once, they received the mercy they deserved and only ONE DOG out of the Vick fifty was deemed too unstable to live. Justice was served.

  9. True enough, Moi. Sadly, those poor babies from the bust in NC still weren't given a chance. But you're right, like many tragedies, a lot of good came of this one.

  10. No doubt Miss Heather - this dude needs to ROT in HELL.

    I think he needs to hang and starve and be treated just as he treated those poor puppies.

    Welcome to MM. Glad to know there is another Okie on the block! woot.

  11. w00t, indeed Kym! Hiya neighbor!


  12. Side note Miss Heather - I got super excited to know that you are from my hood - and I went off reading your profile. SO, you are totally a girl after my own heart! You should check out my MM from Feb. 2 when the theme was creatures. After reading your profile, I know you will appreciate it! Cheers.

  13. Kym: FAAAAALCOOOOOOR!!!!!! That. Was awesome.

    Linzy: All the Okies in the house say he-ey!

    *high fives all around*


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