Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Blerg Gots a New Look

Hi, everyone. I changed my blerg's name to just "Heather Cherry." I never really liked "Rocking Faces Off Since 1979" anyway. I just picked it in the heat of the moment when I couldn't think of anything else. Besides, I think "Bloggety-Blog-Blog-Blog" was already taken. :o(

I also gave my header a makeover. What do you think? I'm curious to know everyone's opinion. Unless you don't like it. Don't tell me if you don't like it.

Lastly, I'll leave you with this link to my friend Hairball's post on email forwards:

Read it. Pay attention. Bookmark Snopes.com. And stop forwarding me crap. So help me, if I get one more of those stupid Maxine cartoons or another glittery gif extolling the virtues of being BFF's I will vomit on my keyboard.


  1. I love your new look! And I will change your name on my blogroll. Love the retro cherry label, it is very cool.

  2. Thanks, Lidian! I did want it to have that vintage fruit crate label look to it. :o)

  3. I dunno. It seems to promise more stripping than is actually featured in the content.

  4. Love it! very cool.

  5. *headdesk*

    Just for that, I'm publishing my Nickelback post.

  6. I like your header. It's very fun, and I'm sure, very you.

    I agree that snopes.com should be a must before any email forward.

    I've taken to just deleting. Instantly.

  7. Thank you Kym!

    My friends actually make fun of me for being so adamant about using Snopes. Well, don't come crying to me when you realize Bill Gates is never going to send you that check just because you used his "special email tracking program" to tell all your friends about this obscure new company he calls "Microsoft." He'll never get that thing off the ground without your help.

  8. lol, go for it.

  9. LOL. I like the new look! Oh, I like the sarcasm bit in the header. Sweet. Of course, I just told my brother to check your blog out under the rocking faces off title. I'll have to tell him the new title, because he needs to read it, he will laugh.

  10. Yea! Thanks! It's still the same url and everything so he shouldn't have trouble finding it.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)