Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: Space


  1. ive learned something here tonight. all this time ive thought the aliens came here to colonize our planet; to steal our resources; to make us slaves and to have absolute dominion over the solar system. but no! they come to steal our top heavy scantily clad women. you know what? im relieved!

    lots of fun MM!! well done!

  2. LOL, K9! Wait 'til you read my post for tomorrow. I made the very same observation!

  3. Actually, by "tomorrow" I meant Tuesday.

  4. poster art as hollywood producer projection. grherhaha looking forward to tuesday!

  5. This was awesome! It's what I wanted to do but I couldn't find stuff near this good.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  6. Those posters make me want to wallpaper my entire room with kitchy 50's movie posters and memorabilia.

  7. is it bad that I've actually seen a lot of these movies? I'm with Troll, I thought about this idea, but couldn't pull together enough of the 'good' ones. Nicely done.

    Happy MM!

  8. Great posters and I too have seen a number of them. I was thinking of the book, "How to Serve Man".

    Happy MM!

  9. The final frontier! Well done!

  10. Excellent stuff and not a crossover between us :) LMAO at K9 and the real reason for our invasion by aliens. Happy MM

  11. Cool vintage movie posters! There's always something so un-PC about them, as you and K9 point out. Love that. And the drawing is always top notch. Welcome to Mute Monday and have a happy one!

  12. Thanks all! I had fun putting it together. There were so many great ones to choose from.

  13. Oh, Plan 9 From Outer Space! That is supposed to be one of the worst movies ever made, I really want to see it...It was the movie Jerry Seinfeld never got to see in "The Chinese Restaurant" episode, which is how I know.

    Those are some fine movie posters! Perfect for my Monday (hectic and somewhat unnerving)

  14. Yeah, that's what I've always heard, too. I'm dying to see it for that reason!

  15. Off to add Planet of the Vampires to my Netflix queue.

  16. Let me know how bad, I mean good it is.

  17. HC,
    Happy MM, great take on the theme and a fun selection of vintage posters. I guess "space" has long been a popular theme of movie makers.
    I expect any day now to see Boxer's Chihuahuas launched. You left out my favorite things from space movie, which is ET, what a softie I am!

  18. Thanks, Fishy! And believe me, had I wanted to take a more modern turn I would have included E.T. in the collection. It's a classic!

  19. I saw Teenager's From Outer Space when I was a kid - there is a scene where those wiley good-looking alien no-good "yutes" (did ya see My Cousin Vinny?)with their state-of-the-art ray guns were frying every corn-fed teeny bopper that was climbing out of this swimming pool. Yeah, Biff and Suzie-Q would be climbing up the ladder and then zzZZZZZZzzztt!!! They were just a couple of creepy skeletons floating in the water! Man, that freaked me out! I didn't go swimming in a pool for a couple for years after that!!!! And the music?!?!?!? My ears! My ears!!!! Ranks right up there with I Was a Teenage Werewolf....Holloywood should oughta do that to little kids, you know? I nearly wet the bed over THAT one. Hey, I said NEARLY!!!

  20. Yea, Mom! You finally got a profile! I can't believe that out of all of those you saw "Teenagers from Outer Space"! I put that one last because I thought it looked the cheesiest and most ridiculous.

  21. The day the earth stood still... a favourite movie.

    This is excellent. Happy MM.


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