Monday, March 23, 2009

For Obladi and Carmen

This post is for a friend and fellow dachshund enthusiast who blogs over at "From 0 to 3 in 90 days" and at "Carmen-Wiener Princess." So if you're not her, you can feel free to bypass this. Then again, if you like doxies, then let me introduce you to my parents' weenie dog Deuce. He's a bit rotund and quite loveable and squeezable and squishable and soft.

This is him when he was a tiny bitty baby.

This is his hotdog bun bed. My mom made it for him!

And here he is, doing what he does best. Basking in a rectangle of window sunshine.


  1. Oh he is SWEET! Our JRT has super short legs like that and sleeps with them straight out. That last picture looked so!

  2. I saw pictures of your JRT! Such a doll!

  3. Oh you're too gooood for your hot dog bed, eh? Rather sleep on the floor, yes?

  4. Oh the squatiness, the squishiness, the corn-chipness, the utter kiss frenzy inducing-ness of him!!! He is adorable..I actually made a sound in my throat that can only be made as a result of viewing cute doxies such as he. I am afraid that I offended the princess. Thanks for posting that HC! You rock.

  5. Oh yeah, I left you an award on my blog, go get it!!!

  6. Shawn: I think he may have been afraid of accidentally becoming lunch.

    O/O: He is definitely all of those things. I have to nibble on him frequently because he's so dang sweet. Tell Carmen she can take my head off if it would help her to feel better. And... an award? For ME???

  7. Dang. Always did loves me a squishy Wiener dog.

  8. They are second only to pibbles!

  9. Yeah, I'm cool, really cool, man. I will bark at anything that moves. Sometimes I even talk...say things like "Weeeeell" or "Yeeeeeaaahhh" or "Mommmmmmmmmmmm?". I love to play in my doggie sleeping bag and I can tear the holy crap out of a paper sack. I am poetry in motion with anything made of PAPER!!! And the best thing of all- well my cute little feet smell like a big ol' bag of Frito corn chips. Can't help but love me, huh? Yep, you got it bad for me, I can tell. Hey Carmen, come and getcha some of this...uh wait...guess we will have to just be friends. I went to the vet one day and I haven't felt like myself since then. I just feel like something is missing....

  10. Deucie, how on EARTH do you type with those cute little paws of yours? I bet you still type faster than Mom.

  11. Duece, the princess would reply to you herself but her little get all messed up, so I do it for her. She liked your message and she wants you to know that she had a similar experience at the vet, so you will have to settle for written correspondence for now. I do think she thinks you are a "hot" dog though.

  12. What up, girrrrrrl. Why don't you text me sometime, k?

  13. Duece, Im havong an extra wide phone made fior me, my paws are much too squatti to accuratly type oeut a tewxt message, Im doing thiw witk my noes. How dui yoou do iit?

  14. Oh, a doxie! That's it, I'm in! ~follow~

    Cookie B.
    Lightbulb Cuisine

  15. An Easy Bake Oven recipe blog? That's it! I'm in.


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