Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You couldn't just give me 5 minutes to change into some jeans and a t-shirt before you carried me off?

Looking at all of that old B-movie art for yesterday’s Mute Monday post, I started noticing that an awful lot of them had something in common. See if you can pick up on the similar visual theme depicted on these sci-fi posters…

And finally, a slight change of pace...

And me in my karate pants. How embarrassing...


  1. Oh Heather, BTW, I just used that great Barbie ad you sent me, on Kitchen Retro! Thank you again, it was perfect!:)

  2. The poor crab monster can't really do the pose correctly. Someone should really help him out.

  3. You shut your mouth. I know how to handle the ladies. I'm awesome.

  4. Lidian: You win a cookie! What kind do you want? And you're welcome! Glad you could use Barbie today, lol. The post was great.

    Shawn: I noticed that, too. What a dork he is. Kind of socially inept, that one...

    Crab Monster: This is my blog. Don't you come on here pushing your crab agenda!

  5. You should really switch to Lights, Crab Monster. Especially if you're going to be double-pinching them like that.

  6. So if I wear a slinky dress or swimsuit I'm in danger of being carried off by aliens.

    Good to know!!

  7. And by Anonymous, I mean me.

  8. LOL, Anonymous. And by "Anonymous" I mean Shawn.

    Hairball: Yeah, you should probably keep that in mind... for the next time you're feeling unappreciated, that is.

  9. This post served to remind me to be extra vigalante the next time I wear a low cut, off the shoulder number, especially in red, as that seems to attract them the most.

  10. Monsters, aliens, robots, men... they all seem to like women in clothing like that.


  11. I feel as if I should warn all women of this terrible atrocity.

  12. You should probably make it a personal crusade. That any woman could let herself fall victim to this type of thing; it's truly disgusting. I mean, really.

    *putting red silk chemise back into closet*

  13. So odd. Then again, it's been said that old 50s/60s Sci-Fi flicks were really symbols for our fear of a worldwide commie "invasion," which means that we were going to suffer even further indignity when all those ugly-ass Brezhnev looking dudes set about defiling our 'merican purity by, uh . . . oh, never mind.

  14. Well color me informed. I had never heard that. But now that you mention it, sounds about right.


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