Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I has awardz!

I guess I'm pretty cool cuz I was just given not one but two awards by fellow bloggers, both of whom are freakin' fabulous themselves!

First off, Jules gave me her Homemade Hilarity Seal of Awesomeness Award. Look at this thing. Not only does it have a hand going all, like, "OK" but more importantly it has a rainbow AND a unicorn on it. I mean. Just. Wow!

And then Obladi gave me this lemonade stand thingie, which I guess means... I'm really good at peddling beverages on the side of the road? YEA FOR ME!

The instructions for the lemonade stand award are now as follows:

1. Copy the above logo and put it on blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show attitude and/or gratitude (those who add sweetness to life and/or inspire you by making lemonade.)
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on a post.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to this blog.

So, without further ado, here are some of my favoritest bloggies, most of which lean more towards the "attitude" side:

  • The Shark Tank: Shawn is so funny he makes me want to punch myself in the face repeatedly. Plus, he likes to write "open letters", too.

  • Kitchen Retro and The Virtual Dime Museum: Lidian is a kindred spirit who shares my affinity for vintage ads and ephemera.

  • Homemade Hilarity: Aforementioned Julia D. posts horrible crapfts for all to enjoy. And by "enjoy" I mean make fun of.

  • Effew Penguin: Fair warning for anyone easily offended by strong language. Indeed, there is a "curse word" right there in the name of the blog. But if you can get past all that, this blog will make you lawl. With the ridiculous concept of telling off cute animals for being so cute, it doesn't get much funnier or ridiculous... er.

  • Bite the Apple: Moi's snarky fashion critiques and bully breed advocacy make her one of my faves.

  • Jake & Christy: You know I gotta plug my brother and his wife's blog, right?

  • J.B. vs. Stuff 3000: Funny stuff.

  • BAD RAP Blog and Vick Dog Blog: Pibble rescue involved in a lot of high-profile busts, including the Vick dogs. The Vicktory Dogs themselves blog about their new lives on the VDB.

  • Ideas from the Edge: My friend Conan the Barbie is one of the funniest people I know and she's a fantastic writer, too.

  • The Troll Report: Chef Troll decides on a theme each week for Mute Monday.

I'd really like to thank all of the little people along the way that made these awards possible. And I'd like to thank the Academy. Wait! Don't play the music yet! I still have people to thank...


  1. Thanks, Heather! :)

    I'd say it in a longer, better way but I'm running low on gas, or steam, or caffeine or something - maybe vanilla vodka, come to think of it. And I will check those other sites that I don't know when I am zippier - I know Julia D already and love her site! :)

  2. You're welcome, Lidian! And no lengthy tomes needed here, fear not.

  3. Thanks, Heather! I can't think of any greater compliment than causing someone to want to punch themselves in the face. Thanks to the Academy, thanks to Mr. Potato Head (he knows why), and thanks to refreshing lemonade!

    I'm the king of the world!!

  4. Yes, my post ideas come out of his detachable butt. The secret's out!

  5. Wooohoooo! Thanks so much!

  6. Thanks, lady!

    Oh, I'm still alive and kicking, but the blog has taken a back seat to the Facebooks and Twitter as of late.

    And since I've been hibernating all winter, I can only blog about sweatpants and couches so often!

  7. Shawn: Dang. All that comes out of my Mr. Potato Head's butt is various mustaches, noses, eyeballs, lips, ears and such.

    Jules: Welcome, dollface!

    Cheffy: Shoo, ain't no thang.

    J.B.: Hey! Who you callin' a lady? I still don't understand the whole Twitter thing.

  8. JB vs. Stuff 3000: making stuff funnier with a little help from his even funnier friend set since 1994. peace.

    Sorry its been ice fiskin season here in Minnesnowta so we havent been taking JB out much. We have a line up of bachelor parties and weddings to attend in the next few weeks, should make things interesting 3000 again. Peace.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)