Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Open Letter to the White Gumball That Came Out of the Machine

An Open Letter to the White Gumball That Came Out of the Machine

Dear White Gumball:

I didn’t want you. I really wanted the red one. Perhaps even pink or red. Heck, I'd even take orange over you, White Gumball. Please remember this next time so that we can avoid any awkwardness.

Many thanks,


P.S. Are you by chance related to Greg and Bryant?


  1. I would have never thought you to be racist to gumballs. I think you need a sensitivity class or something.

  2. Hey! I'll have you know that I hate white gumballs and black Gumbels equally. Just kidding. I'm not personally acquainted with either of the Gumbels.

  3. I used to think the white one meant you got a special prize or something - it doesn't? How disappointing.

    Red or pink are good colors for gumballs, though they all have that same gumball flavor.

  4. OMgosh, Im freaking out over here, I have a long history with the white gum ball! I ALWAYS got the white gum ball and I always mad me mad. All my friends would get thier red, blue, orange, yellow, etc..and then they would all stand there and watch me because they KNEW I would get the white gumball. And then when I did, they would break into hysterical laughing...its true! We still joke about it. So, your post was a bit freaky to me...I thought I was the only one...are we twins?

  5. Lidian: Really? Every time I get a white one it tastes like mint or some crap. I mean, what is that about? I wanted a GUMBALL. If I had wanted some kind of minty ADULT gum I would have picked up Doublemint or Trident.

    O/O: You yankin' my chain, sister? That is so crazy! The other color that sux is green. Ick. Well, you know that saying, "If I was any better I'd be twins"... I guess we have nowhere to go but down now. Sigh... And hey, Deucie left the Princess a comment over at his post...

  6. My favorite part about the gumball machine is the part when you open the end to see what you get.

    I like getting the colored gumballs because it changes the color of your tongue!

    Fun letter.

  7. Yeah and no one wants a white tongue cuz then it just looks like you have some kind of disease and then no one will make out with you.

  8. I call that phenomenon "Milk Tongue". I call it that because my first name for it was deemed inappropriate for polite company.

  9. Hey now, white gumballs need love too!

    Although they will not be receiving it from me so perhaps a telethon is needed to find people who would love and care for all the white gumballs of the world?

  10. Nope,not yanking you chain its true. Oh, Ive got to go check that post!

  11. Shawn: Your restraint is much appreciated.

    Hairball: Great idea! I'll see if I can line up some celebrities to appear.

    O/O: Check your email, too!

  12. very cute, heather : ) I can't stand the white ones.....pretty sure it's rigged.

  13. Nikkie, girl! I didn't know you had a blog! Miss you - XOXO


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