Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Massacre!

Check out my friend's pit bull Sharky with his little furry friends.

What. Did you see him licking them chickies?

Here's one other...

Sharky has tons of other cute videos up on YouTube so check it out!


  1. He's tenderizing them.

  2. The sleeping one was particularly engaging.

  3. Have you seen the one where's he's swimming in the pool with them? Oh, mah gawd. Cuteness overload. Happy Easter Miss Cherry!

  4. Shawn, from The Shark Tank, sent me your way. I must say he was right that you are pretty gosh darn hilarious.

    And the dog with chick video was pretty cute.

  5. Moy: Oh yes, I've seen most of Helen's videos - so cute! Have you seen the one where the chick slides down Sharky's back like he's at a playground? OMG. Happy Easter to you, too, friend!

    Jen: Hiya! So glad you stopped by and thanks a bunch for the feedback! See...? Checking out non E/Card blogs ain't so bad, eh?

    Sharkster: Many tanks! (Get it, "tanks"?)

  6. Hi Heather..saw you on Shark Tank! I really love these clips you put up, they are sooo cute! My son's grandparents had a pitbull when he was about two, got it as a puppy. He was the most loving, accepting, protective friend a two year old could have...they are great dogs if not trained otherwise...

  7. Yea, Winky Twinky!


    They truly are amazingly wonderful dogs. Nothin' like 'em!

  8. I'm like your personal StumbleUpon today.

  9. Aww..he is cute fur sure!! So vicious too. That belly...I must rub it...I MUST..*gritting teeth*

  10. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Sharky. Such a smooth cruisin' dawg! Where did Helen get him?

  11. Happy Easter! Just FYI, congrats on official starting your new job as celery bouncer. Best of luck with that!

  12. Shawn: YEAH you are! Remind me to get you that bribe we talked about later...

    O/O: I know! Me, too!

    Moi: I'm not sure, actually. I'm curious about that, too, so I'll ask her.

    Wendy: OMG. Really? I'm on my way over!


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)