Sunday, April 12, 2009

Important Announcement...

I am officially changing my stance on pirates. Pirates suck.
I am now pro-ninja.
Thank you for your attention.

Check out Real Ultimate Power... if you dare.


  1. I am however......... into catching whoever is giving the US trouble...........I'll lend you ny wi
    chy ways

  2. "Most of their free time is spent flying, but sometime they stab." You've made a wise decision.

    An unwise decision? Trying to decipher Winky Twinky's comments.

  3. Im a little diaper baby. That made me laugh...but not as hard a I laughed at the Ninja Cat link...because Ive played that stupid game with my evil Ninja cat. Now, because of all that lol-ing, I must go back to the Sharky video for some calm, soothing, cuteness.

  4. Ha ha, so did you click on "NO" and go to the Oprah site?

  5. Well, that's what happens if you click on "NO". Takes you straight to Cracks me up!


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)