Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: Clean

[Requires explanation not-so-mute: my first semi-foray into feeding my dog the Raw Diet. On today's menu... leftover steak scraps, pumpkin, baby peas and California Natural kibble. The result, a clean bowl and a doggie licking his chops for any remaining punkin. He LOVED the punkin.]


  1. If it weren't for the fact that I already cook 24/7 for myself and the Spousal Unit, I would so do the raw diet for my pups. But until I win the lottery and retire to a life of leisure, Science Diet does the trick!

  2. Never heard of the raw diet but Snuggles looks like he has a healthy appetite.

    happy mute monday!

  3. I've thought of the raw diet for my tiny pack, but I rarely cook for myself and I think Mr. Boxer would be annoyed if I suddently starting cooking for them. Still, it's the best way to feed your dog. Very smart of you and a great MM.

    Come over for my mute.... it's for Moi this week.

  4. Note to self: do not go on Raw Diet.

  5. Good for you, cooking all healfy for 'nuggles. He deserves it. I would do it too, but I dont for pretty much the same reason as Moi. Im glad you are doing it though for him. He's a cutie patootie.

  6. You are such a good doggie mommy!

  7. This looks just like a meal my mother used to serve up.

    Happy MM

  8. That's about how clean the dishes are when I make spaghetti for the kids. Kids - dogs - you can't tell the difference when they eat.

    Happy MM!

  9. Awwwww...he's a lucky guy, you are such a good mommy to Snuggles...does he really have green eyes like the picture?

  10. Moi/Boxer/Obladi: I don't actually have to do any cooking with this raw diet; that's why I'm bothering with it. I don't have a lotta time to cook for myself either. All this took was spooning the stuff into a bowl and mixing it around. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

    Troll: He LOVED it. Raw is supposed to duplicate more of what a carnivorous dog would eat in the wild. Plus added veggies and such for a more balanced meal.

    Boxer: P.S. I'm picturing your babies eating tiny steaks and it's an adorable image. Loved your trailer, too! That drinking squirrel always gets me. :o)

    Shawn: You would love it if you were a dog.

    Brooke: Thanks! I try really hard to be.

    Bear: Yeah, not the most appetizing looking concoction.

    Buzz: It really does resemble that, doesn't it?

    W/T: Thanks! His eyes are brown but they always reflect green in pictures.

    Al: Of course you did!

  11. Al, you lie! You know I invented the raw diet way back in the eleventy-hundreds or something like that.

  12. I don't feel Lily a raw diet, but feed her Taste of the Wild kibble with stuff added sometimes - like chicken, rice, carrot, cottage cheese, brocoli and yes, sometimes pumpkin. Once I froze the pumpkin in ice cube trays for small servings. It was great, but I'm often lousy at doing things twice. Which Ca. Natural are you using? :)

  13. That's great, Margo! I feed Snuggles the Lamb and Rice California Natural. He loves it. When I first adopted him he had a lot of food allergies and refused to eat much of anything. Since CA Natural only has 4 ingredients total it was a great choice for us.

  14. I bet he loved that. I used to home-make all my dogs food. Then I had kiddos (the human kind, lol) and couldn't do it anymore.


  15. Happy MM to you, too! Today Snuggles will be having cottage cheese, carrots, kibble and a raw meaty bone.

  16. Very interesting ... have never heard of raw diet for dogs ... I'd love to do it for myself, but need that cooked meat way too much. and yay for the duckies in post below, adorable photos :)

  17. You are a wonderful doggie mom, that looks so good and healthy! :)

  18. You're so devoted. I would be a bad dog mom. I have a friend who had a problem with one of her dogs and for some reason the dog couldn't eat out of a bowl (I forget why, she'd had a stroke or something) and my friend would feed her dog with a spoon. I can't even imagine how that would work.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)