Thursday, April 2, 2009


On the heels of last night’s amazing (as per usual) LOST episode I wanted to post these rockdiculously rad “vintage” Dharma ads. I have no idea how he did it but the guy who made these is a certifiable genius and should probably get the Nobel Peace Prize or something!

These ads are so cool it's almost painful. They are just... made of awesome.


  1. Those HAVE to have been made by someone at ABC. No mere fan is awesome enough to have done those on his or her own.

  2. You know, you could be right about that.

  3. All of that right there is very familiar, like I know it or something like that! It is also very confusing! That stuff also needs a little more pink pink stuff in it! Be that as it may, thank you for showing me that stuff!

  4. Oh, I sooooooo tried with Lost. I did, I really did. But then I realized I was doing more salivating over Sawyer's six pack than paying attention to the plot, so I dropped it last season.

  5. These are terrific! And who wouldn't want a stylish uniform like that?

  6. “One smoke you won’t run from”..... That is just too much! I really did LOL. And that computer, I remember my granddad having one that looked similar when I was wee. I used to love to play secretary. I thought it has the bomb-diggity.

  7. Mel: I will try to include more ads with pink as a dominant color in the future.

    Comma: Right?!1

    Moy: True enough, there is plenty of eye candy to be had on LOST. But if you can get past that and watch it on a regular basis, you'll be hooked. But you can't be a casual observer.

    Liddy: I would give my leftmost pinky fingernail for a Dharma jumpsuit. I do, however, have a shirt with The Numbers printed on it and a shirt that says "I am an Other." So there's that.

    Kym: When you were wee did your granddad teach you how to input the sequence of numbers in order to save the world?

  8. Where on earth do you find these things? They are most excellent.

  9. Hey, Jules. I read Jorge Garcia's blog (the actor who plays Hurley; it's called "Dispatches from the Island" and it's in my blog links to the left). A fan posted a link to those pics in his comments so that's how I stumbled across them. Thought they HAD to be shared.

  10. Loved those, Heather! Especially the cigarette ad. Funny!

    Cookie B.
    Lightbulb Cuisine

  11. I want to meet the person who made these.There are so many crazy LOST fans out there (such as myself)they even sell dharma initive jumpsuits!

  12. Me, too, Princess! The guy is a genius. And I totally want a Dharma jumpsuit.

    P.S. Are you really Margo's 13-year-old daughter?

  13. OMG, Heather!!! I LOVE your old ads...they sooooo take me back!!!! From post 1, you are frickin funny!!!


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