Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Bunnehs

Since Easter's in a week, here are some lolbunnehs that I made on In honor of our Lord and Savior, of course. Hope you like dems.

And here be some of my favorites, made by other peeps*.
(*not the marshmallow kind)

And check out Disapproving Rabbits sometime, too.

So disapprove-y.


  1. BWAH!

    Cute bunnies!!

    *passes out from cute overload*

  2. I know! It's far too much cuteness really. I hope I don't get censored.

  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! (I can not put in enough "w's" for how long I really said awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!)

    This is my fave post of the day.
    I heart lil runny babbits. I really like the "wheres the ressa mah ears?"

  4. Funny stuff. I didn't know you could make your own.

  5. Kym: Awwwwwwwwwww... thanks! Baby bunnehs have the cutest lil' ears, don't they?

    Chef: YES! Go try it! It's fun. And kinda habit forming. You could make Secretariat ones!

  6. Bunnies are pretty cute...until they get to a certain size. Then they become horrifying.

  7. frolik... i wantz it. :)

  8. I have never in all of my live-long days seen so many funny bunnies! Those bunnies sure are funny!
    They have such bold earmeat too...just sitting there! It would probably be pretty easy to smell that earmeat! Those funny bunnies just hop around and stuff as they tempt us all with that earmeat!

  9. I LOVE the bunny pics! My first pet ever was a pet bunny and I've been thinking about getting one again!

  10. Shawn: Yeah. Horrifyingly adorable!

    Wendy: Kthxbai!

    Mel: Hay, is that why you greyhounds are always chasing dem bunnies around the track? Cuz you want to smell their earmeats?

    Brooke: I had a bunny when I was little, too. His name was... wait for it... Thumper. Yes, I know. Creative. I did also have a goldfish named Wyatt Earp, which is cool.

  11. Earmeat? yummy. So, HC you are on of the contributors to loldogs, eh? I should have known!! Ive never made one...but I do like to read them. Oh by the way, putting all that cuteness on your blog without a warning? Not know my condition. It wasnt a doxie, but it made me start obsessing about short paws and long ears....not nice.

  12. oh yeah, and then to follow it up with snuggles pics....evil.

  13. Apologies again, my friend. I certainly don't want to be the cause of anyone's relapse. :p

    Yeah, I've done a lot of "lols" on those 2 sites. Even got one up on the voting page once! I'll post all of mine sometime soon so you can see them.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)