Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: MYTHS

This week's Mute Monday Topic is "Myths." I immediately thought of all the pit bull myths that are so popular these days. Examples: pit bulls have locking jaws, pit bulls have 2,000 psi bite pressure, pit bulls are eveeeel, etc. You've heard them all. I couldn't figure out an appropriate way to represent any of them visually and mutely (I get a bit soapboxy about this stuff) so I'll devote a future post to the subject. In lieu of a traditional mute posting, I'm going to show you my favorite destroyer of pibble myths.

From this month's Highlights magazine...

Can you find the pit bull in this picture? Look closely. There is one!

Do you see me?

Hm... I think my camouflage is working...

Hay! I'm right here! Does you see me nao?


  1. ...and you've also put paid to the myth that Chameleon pit bulls don't exist.

    Well done and happy MM.

  2. Great photos. But I buy into that myth just a little bit! But mostly about the few people who breed them to be mean. Happy MM.

  3. Awww, I see you snuggles, and your cuteness is giving me a headache...youll have to try harder next time to hide, so I dont have a cute overdose...

    HC, Im looking foward to that future post...I dont buy into those particular myths, and I have personally known some VERY sweet pitties, but when I see one Im not familiar with, I do get nervous. Its basically thier owners I dont trust... Its good to be leary a little of all dogs you dont know, but Im not...just pitties, and it is thier rep, so educate, educate, educate!!!!!! YOu go sista!

  4. Was the last one right before he jumped up and ate your face and camera? I can tell, don't lie.

  5. I don't think I've ever seen a black and white pit bull. I thought they were only a myth. Either that or you have some bad floor tile in need of replacement.

    Happy MM!

  6. Aw, pit bulls were never meant to "blend in" to any background anyway. Once they get to grinning, who can ignore them? They be the original rock stars. I hear ya, though. Spend my whole trying to turn this one around. Here's to a future of Mondays where pitties are just dawgs. Not monster myths.

  7. I love the third pic! He looks so happy and playful. Happy Mute Monday!

  8. Awww.....*CUTE*!!!


  9. How in the world did these dogs get a bad rap? There isn't a mean hair on that puppy's whole body. No wonder you call him Snuggles. You just want to pick him up and snuggle!

  10. Bear: LOL! Too right - he was fawn colored before he walked onto that floor. Then *POOF*

    Pam: Absolutely... so much of a dog's behavior is dependent on its owner.

    O/O: Snuggles says he's sorry for the headache. And I agree, any unfamiliar dog can be a potential concern. I always ask permission before trying to pet someone's dog. We used to have a doxie that would snap if someone just went towards him. He perceived it as a threat.

    Shawn: How did you see right through the facade? Dang it, you're ruining everything!

    Buzz: LOL! Yup, they're actually real!

    Moi: Well said! Thanks. Bully smiles are too infectious.

    Chef/Vixen: Thanks! :o)

    Kym: Funny thing is, I always wanted to have a pit bull named "Snuggles". Before I adopted Snugs his foster name was actually "Ramsey" but his foster family had started calling him "Snuggles" instead because he was so snuggly. Eventually it stuck and that's all they called him. It was perfect! I didn't have to get him used to a different name because he already had the name I would have picked.

  11. He is a pie full of freshly-baked cuteness.


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