Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It was an Easter miracle!

Last year on Easter weekend my brother found the Easter Bunny in his yard.

Turns out, he’s much smaller and less pink than we always thought. I rushed right over to meet him slash hold him slash pet him slash wish I could keep him. We called a bunneh rescue expert and determined that he was old enough to survive without his mommy and then set him free in the park so he could go and fill children’s Easter baskets with glee. And maybe some rabbit pellets.

I hope he comes back for a visit this year!


  1. That is one adorable little bunny! I'm surprised they said he was big enough to go out on his own. He should absolutely come back this year and bring you and your brother some really nice chocolate eggs as a thank-you.

  2. We have an Easter raccoon out back. He is digging up the yard and I don't believe he has any good candy on hand :)

  3. I wish I had a Creme Egg.

  4. Lidian: I'm hoping for some of those Reese's peanut butter eggs. And if you get to speak with the raccoon, you should ask him why he's always wearing that mask.

    Shawn: I wish I had a Reese's peanut butter egg.

  5. Too cute! Is that picture of the actual rabbit?

  6. Jes! My sis-in-law took it. She's an awesome photog.

  7. They're cute lil' fudkers ain't they? And VERY resilient. Last year, the Ivanator caught one about this size. Didn't eat it. Just mouthed it an awful lot. When we heard the bunny screaming (yes, they do this – terrible sound), we recognized instantly what was happening and rushed out to save it. It was COVERED in Ivan slobber but, miraculously, not punctured. I put it in a box with a towel and set it on top of my desk, hoping it would recover. Two hours later, a movement caught my eye. Widdle bunny was peeking over the edge of the box at me, just as fine and dandy as could be. We released it back out in the yard, but only after locking Ivan in the house.

  8. Thanks for sharing the picture Heather! Cute little feller.

    PS: I was out yesterday and saw two Smart cars. Made me think of you!!

  9. If you want the Easter Bunny of self-actualization to visit the ranch, you gots to feed him self-esteem biscuits.

  10. Moy: That's hilarious. And adorable.

    Harbls: Who... meeeee? :o)

    Dr. Phil: I invite you to visit
    this link.

  11. AWWWWWWW...your doing it again.

  12. Not my fault you're now picturing Carmen in bunny ears hopping around the back yard and laying little doxie eggs. Don't you blame your obsession on me!

  13. OMG he is too cute for words! Sweet bunneh!

  14. I know!!! I wanted to keep 'eem so bad!


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