Thursday, April 9, 2009

Snoozy-Pants Baby Ducks

Not really sure why ducks seem to = Easter but I'm okay with it.


  1. Well there's the Peeps connection, I guess.

  2. Aren't Peeps supposed to be chicks? Or are there duck Peeps I don't know about? I know there are bunny Peeps and I think even snowman Peeps but I dunno notheen about no duck Peeps.

  3. i've always wondered about the duck thing, too. glad it's not just me.

  4. Right?

    I wonder if it's cuz ducks and chicks hatch from eggs. But then if that were the case it would stand to reason that sea turtles and baby alligators and dinosaurs could be Easter spokesanimals, too. Maybe you have to come from an egg and be furry and cuddleable to fill the role.

  5. AWWWWWW...that was almost too much for me, not as bad as the baby frenchies, but very close HC. Im gonna run up and down the hall screaming.

  6. Could someone get this woman some medication? Hello?! SOMEONE?! HELP HER!!

  7. All I just exposed the fact that I don't know the difference between ducks and chickens. Excellent. Another public embarrassment.

  8. Chin up there, Chief. One of my favorite lolcat pixes has a kitten squished between 2 duckies and it says "Chikn sangwich." It took someone else pointing out that they're ducks and not chickens. I'm an idiot.


I can has comments?

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