Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mute Monday Topic: "Guess the Place(s)"


  1. Loverly. The second and last are my favorites. The Chicken must be the one that picks fights with Peter Griffin!

    Happy Mute Monday!

  2. Tough post. I'm guessing with the Boston hat and Troll's comment, that it might be Martha's Vineyard, but I'm not sure. I like the swimming hole pic though.

    Happy MM!

  3. Troll: Lol, that chicken is craaaazy!

    Buzz: Cold! Thanks, though! :o)

  4. Big Sur?

    oh, I'm so bad at this stuff.

    Happy Mute Monday, I'll be back for the answer tomorrow.

  5. Turner Falls! Ha, well that one pic maybe anyway .... Happy MM

  6. I know I am NOT tellin'.....yet.

  7. I know...

    Oklahoma Beach...

    Man I'm good at this game.

    Happy MM.

  8. Boxer: I am bad at even knowing where Big Sur is, ha!

    Belle: Why do you bring up candy at a time like this? *rimshot*

    Kyle: Is that really YOU???

    Pam: Nope but I've been there! As all good Oklahomans have. :o)

    Mom: Zip it!

    Bear: LMAO! Roffle, roffle.

  9. I have no idea, but it's beautiful!

    Happy Mute Monday

  10. The Big Island of Hawaii? Is that the island with the black sand beach? Am I right? If so can I win a virtually fake Anthropologie gift card? Happy Monday!

  11. Hawaii was my first guess as well. Because of the free range feisty chickens? No? Yes? I'll be back to check it out!

  12. Let's see. There's a chicken...a mule(?)...some horses...a beach...some rocks. Okay, I think I've got it.

    Washington, D.C.

    Man, that doesn't sound right now that I'm looking at it.

  13. Folks, I'm not telling. At least not yet! :o)

    But I will say, there are 3 places represented here, not just 1.


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)