Saturday, May 2, 2009

Coming up, on Mystery Science Theater 3000...

The Attack... of the Disembodied Hair!!!

Ooo, creepy...

Here it comes! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


  1. Except with only 7 arms... which makes it even CREEPIER...

  2. Is that YOURS?? If so, why is it no longer attached to your head?

    btw, we have some problems...

  3. I think you mentioned that you're going to donate the hair, but I would consider keeping it. You never know when you might need it again. What if you find yourself in a situation that calls for a disguise? All of that hair would make a very nice looking mustache.

  4. Tape some of that to each armpit and go out in public with a sleeveless shirt on.

    The reactions you get could be pretty funny.

  5. You had A LOT of hair cut off! I agree with Jeff; make a fun new wig out of it so you can change it up every once in awhile :)

    P.S.- I LOVED Mystery Science Theater 3000.

  6. Wendy: Yup! Check out my post from last Wednesday. Uh-oh, I don't like the look o' that blog title... may have to go over and do some bouncing... don't worry, I'll check it out. You stay behind me, okay?

    Jeff: GREAT idea! Screw kids with cancer. I need a faux-stache, STAT.

    Candice: That could spawn a great blog post, no? Yet another GREAT idea! Thanks, gang!

    Brooke: MST3K is the shizzle! *^5!*

  7. It should be clutching a girl in a red dress.

  8. Why must you frighten me? I'm going to have nightmares with the ponytails I will cut off coming for revenge!


  9. Shawn: LOL. No srsly, I literally laughed out loud. I L-LOLLED.

    Sparks: It's okay. You should be safe as long as you're not wearing a red dress.

  10. Darn it! I missed this post somehow..I love MST!!!

    I just spit out my diet coke at Shawn's comment...btw..his comments are becoming a side attraction for me here....

  11. Anytime my brother and I are making funny, snide comments about something we're watching, my dad's all, "Okay guys, this isn't MSTK3!"

    I know... Shawn's got an extra funny bone, methinks.


I can has comments?

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