Friday, May 1, 2009

What I'm NOT Buying this Weekend: Mod Cloth Edition

Go visit Margo if you want to participate next weekend!

Almost all items in this post are from Mod Cloth.

First off, I'm certainly not buying either of these adorable swimsuits.

OR this cute umba-rella-ella-ella to sit under.

And I'm soooooooooo not buying the next few ridiculously adorable little numbers.

I will simply look too fabulous not wearing them.

Urban Garden Dress

Complete with lucite coral earrings, antiqued gold rose ring and First Lady peep-toes.

Amount saved: $212

Curves Ahead Dress

With faceted onyx studs, Film Noir purse, Dita stockings, and
Little Bow Peep Toes.

Amount saved: $244

Good Ship Lollipop Dress

With vintage bakelite button earrings, red bow bangle, vintage box bag, and Red Hot Chili Peep Toes.

Amount Saved: $166

Dawn Iris Dress

With gold disc necklace and earrings and Thistle Pumps.

Amount saved: $96

Wishing on a Star Dress

With vintage teal and gold button earrings, black pucker clutch and Splish Splash T-Straps.

Amount saved: $258

Total saved this weekend
(along with the 2 cute suits and umba-rella): $1,331

Vote for Me at Humor Blogs!


  1. heather, everything is so adorable, I just want to cry with happiness. Princess Sparkle is going to be beside herself when she sees. Do you think you two are from the same shopping home planet?

  2. I ran right on over to Mod Cloth to clickety-click onto the Urban Garden dress (must. have.) but it's only available in a size 12. Phew. Saved.

    I don't like the swimsuit on the left. It looks like p-jamas. But the one on the right? Hello sailor! That's cute as all get out! Thank Gah I have no place to actually wear a cute, non-functional swimsuit. So not only did you save yourself, you saved MOI!

    Well done!

  3. O/O: Thanks!!!!!!!!

    Margo: LOL, thanks! We could be!

    Moy: I know, right? I do like the suit, though, cuz it reminds me of a cute cardigan. Glad I could help, though!

  4. i love me some t straps. and that garden ensemble with the lady peeps. very nice. i wish i had a reason to wear seamed stockings. im not sure i could back those up if you get my drift. i might be a bit long in the tooth for that degree of grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    like the sailor suit and matchy matchy umbrella too
    you and moi are so thrifty! i might join this meme!

  5. You are an AMAZING un-shopper!
    Great taste!

  6. K9: Yes! *clappity-clap-clap-clap* Join us!

    Pris: Thank you! :o)

  7. ohmuygawsh...where do you find this stuff? I love the sailing-ish swim suit so much- I wish I didn't buy that first. I may have no knowledge of sailing, but for some reason I'm attracted to the style... and it's proven a great blog name.

    Your fashion sense in ridiculously parallel to mine... hope that's not an insult because that is not what was intended.

    I want to buy this stuff! You are very good at not shopping! I just might end up buying a lot of it anyway...

  8. Sparkle, that's not an insult! It's definitely a compliment! Wish you lived here and we could go shopping together!

  9. You're so rich now! :) I love your new profile pic. Also, how could you NOT buy that Wonder Woman swimsuit? Come on!

  10. Thanks, Wendy! And you're right, lol! All I need is those gold cuffs and the Lasso of Cuteness (TM) and I'll be all set!


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