Monday, May 11, 2009

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

So my Reese's Peanut Butter Cup sandwich cookies have a PEANUT ALLERGY WARNING on the box.



You mean to tell me that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups have peanut butter in them? And that peanut butter has actual PEANUTS in it??? Whaaaaaaaaaaa? And the warning is right smack dab where you grab to open the package, like one last ditch effort to warn you. As if to say, "Hey dumbass, if you're allergic to this then don't eat it, k?"

Have we become so litigious that these warnings are really necessary? I mean if you have an allergy to peanuts and you think it's okay to eat a snack that HAS PEANUT BUTTER IN IT, then perhaps we should just let the laws of nature take over and weed you out of the herd anyway?

This just in. My carton of milk contains milk products. Also, that bushel of wheat I picked up down at the gen'ral store has wheat-y things in it.


  1. On a side note: it's still okay to read the Charlie Brown comic strips, regardless of your allergies.

  2. I got nuthin to say. This is stupidity on a level with which I am not familiar and thats saying something.

  3. Did the Reese's package warn against using the peanut butter laden cookies as suppositories?

  4. Hmm...I agree. Get rid of all the unneccesary warnings and let natural selection take place. Those without brain will not be qualified...

    Why isnt there a warning on the Mc D's Iced Coffee that says "Iced Coffee" is cold.Hmm? Thats what I want to know.

  5. Gak! Ptooey! Peanut butter...peanuts...really? My tongue is starting to swell up.

  6. I am shocked that your cookies did not have a May Contain Chocolate warning on them! What is up with that? People need to know these things! LOL

  7. Can you please repeat that? I can't hear you over the sound of the shower and my blow drier.

  8. Oh Lord, Heath, I am so glad you got the HUMOR gene!

  9. The ObamaNation Nanny-State has proposed mandating that such labels include Warnings! in Spanish, Ebonics, Chinese, and Arabic as well.

    The step-ladder I got Mama Troll for Mother's Day had 11 warnings in English and Spanish.

  10. Shawn: Well played, friend.

    Madman: Agreed!

    David: Ew.

    O/O: You might get a cold headache! Oh, no!

    Dave: I've got an epi pen. Want it?

    Liddy: I know! These things are important!

    Hairball: LMAO!!!

    Mom: Thanks for that! (Dad, too!)

    Brooke: Bingo!

    Troll: Trolls have moms? I thought they were spontaneously generated out of the mud or something.

  11. "Snickers" at this Reesie post! hahaha

  12. LOL! That's like the warnings on coffee cups: "warning: extremely hot beverage" It's anti-Darwinism!

  13. Marcy: Ba-dum-bump-cymbal!

    Funnyrunner: I know! It's so retarded.

  14. I wonder if my cheez-it's have cheese in them... I'm pretty sure cheese can kill me, but it's spelled "cheez" so I'm good right?

  15. Yeah, I think so. G'head and eat a whole box of 'em. On my authority.

    P.S. Have you read Shawn's Open Letter to the Box of Cheez-Its?

  16. I hate those overprotective mothers who've created so many brats with PB allergies and are now suing other parents right and left for sending their NORMAL children to school with PB&J sandwiches.

    That is all.


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