Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New from Hasbro

Here be an artist's rendering of the single Peony I pluck-ed from my garden today. Ain't she cute?

Nofe air that I have a neighbor with bajillions of them and she never even picks a single one to put in a lovely vaaaaaaaaaaaz. She just lets them get all big and heavy and droopy and then they just die like that. *sadness*


  1. I LOVE peonies!! Just as they're getting fully opened and beautiful, though, it rains and beats them all to the ground where I can't enjoy them as much. Every year I say to myself: "self... you need to put little supports there for them to come up THROUGH and then not fall (what a terrible sentence)"... but I never do.

  2. They are my ABSOLUTE favorite. Do put some in a vaaaaaz to enjoy? Or let them die out in the cold ALL... BY... THEMSELVES?

  3. Like that forest fires Indian guy???

  4. I have a peony bush that refuses to go away--even after I attempt to pull it up. The flowers are pretty, but fragile. One strong rain and they look like crap. Also, for some reason, they attract a lot of ants.

  5. Why is your neighbor so silly? Pretty flowers on the dining table are awesome!

  6. That's a downright tragedy, right there. What is summer without blooms abounding in the home in pretty vaaaaazes? Reminds me of my father's neighbor who had this awesome fig tree with the most delicious fruit imaginable and instead of letting him pick them and give them away, they cut the thing down! Single Indian tear indeed.

  7. They make a wonderful salad.

  8. Dave: OMG and I can't hardly manage to grow one dang bloom. And yeah, they totally have ants all over them. Dunno why?

    Hairball: Quite silly!

    Moi: That is redonk!

    Jeff: With a lovely rosewater dressing. Yum.

  9. HC, You forgot to tell everyone that your great grandad's business was immensely popular in the 40's and 50's. They had one of the nation's largest nurseries that grew many varieties of peonies and shipped them from Missouri to all over the country on refrigerated railway cars. This was in time for Memorial Day when folks ALWAYS went to the cemeteries to decorate the graves of their loved ones. This was always done on the Sunday before Memorial Day and was known as Decoration Day.

  10. Wowwwww, just read that....I sound like an ol' bat from back in the day. Well I'm NOT! And I MEAN it! Cool story about the fam, just didn't really come across that way, now did it? Ahahahaha!


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