Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pit Bull Attack!

Snuggles attacked the Leaf Hog last night. Mehbeh he thought it was a real hog? Anyhoo, watch the jowl action.


  1. I knew it was a leaf blower, dummy. I was trying to protect you from it. Duh.

  2. Oh.

    Thanks, then.

    For that.

  3. Hey, does anyone know how to embed YouTube videos without the "screen" being too wide for the blog format?

  4. That looked pretty fun Snuggles!
    You and the famous red brindle, My O My Sweetie Pie, would of been boon companions! It really does not have to be said! I would say!
    My O My Sweetie Pie had the "bull in her"! My O My Sweetie Pie would chomp a rope and hang in the air from it! What a greyhound-girl would do something such as that for, I have no earthly idea whatsoever, but she did! She did not like pink stuff though! Pink stuff does not in any way or shape or form go with fancy red brindle striping! You might say but I do not!

  5. I had a fun or two, Mel. Yup. That was one crazy leaf hog thingie! I would definitely say! I hafta agree that pink and red brindle do not in any way go together. Indeed they clash sumthin fierce. Sumthin fierce, like me with that leaf hog thingie. Hay Mel, was your daddy that is your daddy now one-in-the-same daddy that was at one time Sweetie Pie's daddy, too? Did she live at your house, too? Huh? Tell me, kay?

  6. Vicious!

    Anyway, as far as videos go, time for some more HTML editing fun. go under the HTML tab and observe the sections in the Youtube code that say object height, object width. It should happen in two places. I can't tell you what to change those values to for your layout, but object width="425" height="344" works for mine. You might have to play around with it.

  7. America can sleep easy with Snuggles on guard.

  8. Awwww...I played this for the wiener princess, and her little ears went up. She lubs snuggles.

  9. Thanks for saving us all, Snuggles! Lily saves us from evil yankee squirrels daily. What would we do without them?

  10. Shawn: Thanks! I will try that...

    Jeff: I know I do!

    O/O: Awwww... Snugs lubs her, too!

    Margo: Evil yank squirls. Dey's eveel.

  11. Aw, see, Snuggles and Maddie could so protect the universe together. She has to regularly prevent the vacuum cleaner, dust mop, and broom from taking me hostage.

  12. Must be a black and white dog thing! How IS Maddie these days?

  13. LOL! My dog protects me faithfully from any type of rake. They are quite dangerous. and vacuum cleaners. and lawn mowers. lots of dangerous stuff around here...


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