Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yea for cool, rad and awesome mammatus clouds!

I walked out of my house last night and saw this:

They're called mammatus clouds and they're my favorite and also fairly rare. Read more about them here.


  1. Those are very neat looking mammatus clouds! I do declare that I saw some pink in those mammatus clouds! I would like to fly in those mammatus clouds if I could fly! Since I cannot fly, I will not be doing any flying of any type at all whatsoever in those mammatus clouds! At least for the time being!

  2. This was scary-scary for me last night. All the streets they were mentioning are right around my house. Glad the storms never gained momentum.

    Glad you and yours were safe too!

  3. I am the servant of the power behind the Nothing. I was sent to kill the only one who could have stopped the Nothing. I lost him in the Swamps of Sadness. His name... was Atreyu.

  4. I love it HC! Good pics.

    Shawn: that was really good! Now I want to go home and watch it. Thanks alot.

  5. Mel: If I may dare to contradict, I've seen you fly in pictures and videos. You're a thing of beauty when you fly! At least, that's the way I see it!

    Kym: Glad you guys are okay, too! Whew!

    Shawn: Marry me?

    O/O: Thanks! You can borrow TNS from my DVD liberry. ;)

  6. I sure do love clouds and those are some mighty fine ones. Neat!

  7. Thanks! I'm kind of a dork like that. I love clouds and weather and junk.

  8. mama said that mammatus clouds is just the angels cotton balls

  9. beautiful pictures! very cool...


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