Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program... bring you this important bulletin.

What is UP with Bernie Madoff's hair? He looks like he should grace the front of a U.S. coin or something. All he lacks is a little ponytail with a bow.

In a related story, here is a dog in a George Washington wig.


  1. It might be a dog in a Bernie Madoff wig. Or a sheep in dog's clothing, wearing a George Washington wig. Or a dog in sheep's clothing, wearing a Bernie Madoff face mask, disguised as a dog wearing a George Washington wig.

  2. Hmm. Bernie and George: Separated at birth? Slightly different attitude toward telling the truth, however...

  3. Dave's absolutely right on that one!!! However... I'd like to hear what Snuggles has to say....

  4. OMG, he totally looks like Washington! Funny. Dog's lookin' pretty regal tho.

    Love, Cookie B.
    Lightbulb Cuisine Real food from the Easy Bake Oven! Watch for my EBO Giveaway.

  5. lol...that dog reminds me of ellie mae clampet.

  6. Hairball: roffle, roffle...

    Shawn: *brain asplode*

    Dave: True that.

    W/T: Snuggles can't be bothered at the moment, as he's gnawing on a bone. I'll get his opinion later...

    Cookie: Cute, huh? I mean, uh, regal.

    O/O: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you are SO RIGHT!!!1!

  7. I can't remember who said it, but the less hair a man has, the shorter it should be.

    Okay I remember who said it--those pricks at Esquire magazine. But they were right...

  8. Hey, that's a great rule of thumb.


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