Thursday, May 7, 2009

[SNUGGLES] Wigs for dogs.Yes, that's what I said. Dog Wigs.

Snuggles here. I was readeen Mom's post yesterday on my iPhone, the one wiff the dog in the George Washington wig and was so shocked and appawed I had to research the trend some more. Yes, trend. Because apparently there are a lot of these stinkin' tings around! Mommy will prolly be mad at me for dis but I have no problem telling you dat she almost buyed me a mullet wig at Target when dey was on clearance after Halloween. She's sick I tell you, sick! Anywayz, here are some pixes dat I found on teh internets of some fellow goggehs being tortured with faux coifs. IMO, dey are real, ahem, faux-paws.

OMG a dog in a Sarah Palin outfit. Stop da madness!!!1!2

Jamaica me puke wiff dis one, lolz.

Kill me now, peeples. Kill me now.



  1. Okay, this is why I can't have a dog. I would be the crazy person buying these wigs and dressing them up!

  2. I think I used to work for #5 from the top.

  3. jesus. WTH is going on with dog fashion? I'm at a loss.


  4. Geeez, wigs for dogs...glad you didn't end up having to wear one, Snuggles...although I actually thought some of those pics were really very cute...

  5. It is only a matter of time before they revolt. You can see murder in their eyes, and I can't say I blame them.

  6. I think we need an investigation into whether or not taxpayer money went into buying the Sarah Palin dog outfit.

    Faux-paws FTW!

  7. Puhleez. My dawgs gots enough hair. A Border Collie's nothing but the canine equivalent of Farrah Fawcett circa 1977. And dems pitties? Short hair you say? Yeah, okay. But it comes off in sheets. Like they need WIGS on top of all that schizz? Right.

  8. Good heavens! That's all I can say this late in the day. If we put one on Lily and looked away for a second, she would probably swallow it whole.

    Snuggles, be sure to thank God for your mother. All moms almost buy ridiculous things for their children. That she didn't is what is important!

  9. Brooke: I know - I really did almost buy that mullet wig for Snuggles.

    Dave: HA!

    Jules: Me, too, my friend...

    W/T: That chihuahua with the Donald Trump-esque piece is pretty durn adorable, eh?

    Jeff: I think you're right, now that I look closely.

    Shawn: LMAO!!!

    Moy: I'm hearing that one, sister.
    Plus, with a black and white dog you get the benefit of black hair showing on light stuff and white hair standing out on darker stuff. Yea!

    Hairball: Poor adorable babies.

    Snuggles: You listen to Margo. She be very wise.

  10. The decline and fall of Western Civilization.

  11. Lily, or anyone else for that matter, would never nottice if she wore a wig under all of that fluff!

    Great post Snuggles!

  12. Troll: Indeed. *grimly nods*

    Sparkle: Snuggles thanks you and sends his love to Lilydoodle.

  13. Carmen, Wiener PrincessMay 09, 2009

    Snugg, as the princess of my palace I, of course would never allow my people to degrade me in such a way. I have dressed up in costume to humor them on occasion, but a wig is going a bit would cover up my gorgeous red fur. That would just be silly, me thinks. If they try, I bite. Besides, my people are too busy making sure I am happy, which is what they are born to do.

  14. Carmen, I took that picher of you in the tiny sombrero and putted it on my laptop wallpaper.

  15. haw...these are the funniest things i've seen in weeks. Good chuckle.


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