Monday, June 29, 2009

"Butthead" Caption Contest Winner!

So, for my very first ever caption contest, here are the results!

Tied for first place are:

Philip Dyer, with "Whoa, check out that hot piece of ash."


Eric, with "This just in... David Copperfield infuriated Claudia Schiffer when she asked him for a cigarette!"

You guys win this super cheesy award! Yay!

Runner-up is Funnyrunner, with "If the big bad wolf didn't kill Little Red Ridinghood, cigarettes would.

Honorable mention: Candice, with "It's not a tuma!"

And congrats to Winky Twinky for landing her "Butthead" comment into the title of this post!

Thanks, everyone! It was so hard to pick winners. Come back this Thursday for another round.


  1. oh Yay! Thanks! I love caption contests. Funny. I was thinking of doing a "you name the caption" thing in my blog. Then I came across "The Soccer Mom Files." She has a great caption contest, and now you... but I think they're a great idea. So fun!

  2. Yesss! Philip, high five bro!

  3. Congrats!! to Philip and Eric and the runners up...funny stuff. Thanks for the use of Butthead, Heather, I am honored. ;)

  4. Virtual high five, Eric. :-) Thanks, Heather!

  5. Runner: Eh, who cares if we're copycats? I thought of it before I saw it elsewhere, too, but I don't mind if no one believes me about that bit.

    Congrats, all!

    And Philip, I'm humbled that the famed Bros. Dyer would visit my own caption contest. Humbled, I say.


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