Monday, June 29, 2009

An Open Letter to the "Home" Key on My Keyboard

An Open Letter to the "Home" Key on My Keyboard

Dear "Home" Key:

How come you don't work? I have pressed you several times this morning yet here at work I remain. You suck.

Warmest regards,


P.S. Maybe I should invest in a Ruby Slippers Button.


  1. lol. Oh I get it....! :)

  2. I want to go to lunch by pressing this key but I'm concerned about breaking something.

  3. Hey, I get it too! But I had to think for a minute, lol

  4. I wanted it all to "end" once, and so I pressed the "end" key. It doesnt work either....

  5. Liddy: Glad it worked out for you. :o)

    Dave: Thanks, thanks!

    O/O: I tried using "Shift" in my car one time but it didn't work either. Neither does "Control" when it comes to my life. [insert the sound of a dead horse being beaten here]


I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)