Friday, June 19, 2009

Half-Moon Manicure

I want to get a couple more people to take the pit bull identification test before I post the answers and more info. So until then I'll just post this picture of my cute new half-moon manicure. (No, it's not black, it's dark navy.)

This vintage style is coming back in vogue but it used to be the way ladies painted their nails all the time back in the day. Sort of like a French or American Manicure except that the moons in addition to the tips were left white. It was considered a bit on the edge to paint the entire nail like we're used to now. Your girlie historical fact for the day!

Sorry, fellas. Here's some, uh... stuff for you.


  1. lol! "sorry, fellas. here's some stuff for you..." that's funny, girlfriend...

  2. Nice nails. Nice cars.

  3. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxcxxxxxx...

    Wow, I tried to comment on this post late last night, but I fell asleep around 'moons in addition to tips' or something.

    Waking up at the keyboard, I now see that it had excellent vintage vehicles, thanks for those.

    (sorry, my forehead misspelled vvxcxxxxxx in the previous comment)

  4. Gorgeous manicure! And that Corvette? Be still my heart. My fave car ev-ah.

  5. P.S. Just voted on the bully test.

  6. Runner/Dave: Thanks!

    Eric: Heh. Glad you like my taste in old cars. :o)

    Moi: Thanks, sister! I didn't know the '63 was your fave. I knew you liked old Vettes, though. The split-window is my dad's favorite model of all time. One of mine, too.

  7. I love, love, love the manicure! I must get one immediately!

  8. Love the nails AND the cars!!

  9. JerseyGirlJuly 09, 2009

    those nails tried to come back into "style" about 15 years ago.


    I hope they do better this time. : )



I can has comments?

(Please keep it clean, kthxbai!)