Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Grab the Bull by the Horns" Caption Winners

This week's winner is Eric, with "Mack Brown and University of Texas Football rolled out their new shock and awe campaign today." As requested you get to add a stripe to the award you won last week, Eric. But hey, give the little kids a chance, will ya?

Runner-up is Douglas Dyer, with "Technically the breeding scientists did make the prize bull 'hornier'."

And honorable mention goes to my mum, Nan-Nan, with "OOOOOh, Dinah won't ya blow, Dinah won't ya blow, Dinah won't ya blow your HO-OLY COW!?!?!?!?!?"

Congrats, everyone, and thanks to all who played this week!


  1. Grazie, cara mio (that means thanks in Italian, if my studies have been going well).

    As I sadly retire from caption competitions forever, I must acknowledge all the awesome humorous people on here. Particularly to Nan-Nan who managed to reference UT's 'Eyes of Texas' misappropriation of the original 'Railroad' song with her entry. :)

    Thanks, Godspeed, and may the road always lead you all to the right humorous captions. lol

  2. Congrats!!! to Eric, Douglas, and Nan-Nan....funny stuff...

  3. I caption write for a living, dudette, so I'm not sure I'm going to ever participate, but I sure like reading the entries!

    P.S. I'm a secret UT fan. Don't tell the LSUer Spousal Unit. I can't afford the divorce.


I can has comments?

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